Who brought the slave ships to America? A certain demographic has been manipulating black people since before then. Nothing has changed except the degree of subtlety in application. For decades they owned the pawnshops and were the slum-lords of the inner cities. Some of that continues to this day. They owned the music business and ripped them off with impunity. They still do. Now they manipulate them with equity and diversity, which set the urban streets on fire. They are behind this. They organize and finance the violence. One of their arch demons is pushing an army of defund the police zombies, and they destroy whoever gets in their way.
All of this is EASILY researched. They founded the NAACP AND the SPLC. They have an ongoing relationship with The Prince of Darkness; the left hand of God; the 'lead into temptation' meister. The ruler of The Carnal Mind. It is a province and he sees to its parameters of operation. It is its own world and these are those who celebrate and promote it. We each have the right to the pursuit of our desires. Desire is the agent of God's will. How that pursuit works out for you is in The Coin of the Particular Realm. It is another destiny, with its perks and liabilities. If it is what works for you, then... who am I to stand in your way?
It is not up to me to say what is good or bad. What I can say is that if you walk the path of The Flesh, you WILL reap corruption. If you walk the path of The Spirit, you will reap eternal life.
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