Morfeus, we have a rule on RMN. Attack the article, not the person. If your beef is with what is set forth by DutchSince, (within his article) that's is OK to comment on and debate upon. However, attacks or assumptions about Lymerick's person, thoughts, pedigree or otherwise is not allowed. A persons mind is his alone. Better yet, why not contact DutchSinse at his website?
Thanks for understanding the slight 'edit.'..
ad ho·mi·nem
ˌad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
adverb: ad hominem; adjective: ad hominem
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
: Lymerick,
: Are you serious to recommend and even endorse (as your above
: comment indicates) that nonsense of Dutchsinse? Or is that
: article actually a parody or satire or something similar?
: If you are just joking and poking fun around, that is OK,
: but then it would be nice to say that this is a parody.
: On the other hand, if you and Dutchsinse talk about this
: seriously, then this is an urgent Booo from the public,
: from me.
: Do you actually understand what Dutchsinse claimed in that
: article? Do you specifically understand the meanings (or
: lack of them) of the following statements from that
: article?
: "Time as a force, not as you imagine it on a wall clock.
: The actual physical force of “time” is what I am calling “True
: Universal Time” being the “time” in which Mass and Space
: operate."
: "“True Universal Time” consists of other physical
: elements and is fully based upon the laws of physics."
: "Time is a physical byproduct of energy and distance
: through space"
: "What is this “time”, and what is it made of? How is it
: formed from Energy + Space?"
: "In an equation, it would appear simply at T = ED squared
: or T=ed2
: "If we want to know the “real” time of the Universe, we
: can apply T=ED in reverse to determine (T)
: DE=T … Distance X Energy = “Time” …
: ET=D ….. Energy X “Time” = Distance
: TD = E … Time X Distance = Energy"
: Don’t you see obvious contradictions in these statement and
: formulas? If you don’t understand what he says, then why
: are you recommending it? This is journalist or advertiser
: irresponsibility. If it is a hoax or lie (which it is in
: this case) then you are spreading lies. Do you think it is
: a good deed to do so?
: In this article Dutchsinse demonstrates that he does not know
: mathematics, nor physics, but still he is trying to “reveal
: a great discovery” which requires the knowledge of
: mathematics and physics.
: He is even boasting like a greedy gold digger who just found
: his treasure: “But for now, I’ve got to get it out there in
: case something happens to me (by accident or otherwise).
: This is my theory which I claim today publicly, not to be
: ripped by someone else."
: Hahaha… come on people, this is getting very ridiculous!
: Do I really need to debunk the above Dutchsinse statements? I
: don’t think so, because it is so trivially obvious that
: they are either BS, or mathematically contradict each
: other. But if people want me to do so I will do that. If he
: is a journalist why doesn’t he sticks with stuff that he
: does well, why is he dabbling in a field he is ignorant
: about. Why not let the cobbler stick to his last?
: I am not criticizing the other writings of Dutchsinse here,
: only and exclusively this recommended article. I could even
: imagine that this article was not written by him, but by
: some disinfo agent who posted it on the site of Dutchsinse
: to discredit him.
: Whatever the case, this is wrong! Plane wrong! Please use some
: discernment and don’t spread links to obvious nonsense.
: Morpheus