Hey White Hats, THE USA IS GOING DOWN IN FLAMES RIGHT NOW…if you actually exist, IT’S SHOW TIME!!!
I’m going to make this short... To all of the “truthers” out there in the alternative media, Juan O Savin, Scott McKay, Dave Nazipsode, Benjamin Fulford, Clif High, Mike Jaco, Michael Baxter, Mel K, Q and the Anons, David Wilcock…all the people who are telling us that there is this group of military officers, former government officials, and Trump operatives, the “White Hats,” who are in the process of taking down the evil global cabal, "Black Hats,” you know what guys, IT’S SHOW TIME! It's time for your White Hats to do their thing and save the USA which is right now going down in FLAMES!
There are three events happening right now that, if they are not stopped RIGHT NOW will lead to the destruction of the United States of America and they are:
1. The full scale invasion of our country over our southern border by millions of military age males from ~150 foreign countries, which military age males are being dispersed across our country by our federal government for the purpose of creating a military fifth column to defeat patriots defending our Republic;
2. The full scale assault currently being made against our country’s food production, food processing, and food distribution system by our federal government so as to create a mass starvation event that will result in the death of millions of Americans and create total chaos in our society; and,
3. The full scale assault currently being made against our country’s energy production and distribution system by our federal government so as to cripple our economy, drive base inflation to unsustainable levels, and destroy our country’s ability to literally do anything to save itself from destruction.
The White Hats led by Trump apparently handed over the leadership of the Free World to the Black Hats on January 20, 2021 because we are told that the White Hats were conducting the largest sting operation in history. We are told that the only way that the Black Hats could be brought down was by allowing them to have free reign to carry forward their evil mission now known as “The Great Reset” and that the White Hats would then catch them in the act and bring them to justice, thus saving the USA and the world from a dystopian nightmare.
Well, here we are White Hats…the Black Hats are staging a full scale military invasion of the USA unopposed, the Black Hats are in the process of literally starving the people of the USA to death, and the Black Hats are in the process of crippling what is left of our economy via an energy crisis of their creation. The USA is now in the process of GOING DOWN IN FLAMES at the hands of the Black Hats who you (Trump and the White Hats), in your apparent infinite wisdom, placed in power as part of your “plan.”
Well White Hats, it’s time…it’s time for you to save the day like your spokespeople in the alternative media have been telling us that you are absolutely going to do when the right time comes. I can’t imagine a more right time than now…the ship is sinking, the plane is crashing, I don’t care what metaphor you want to use…if you don’t stop the existential death and destruction now plaguing the USA, there are only three possible reasons that you can’t do it:
1. Your plan has failed…you overestimated your own strengths and underestimated the strengths of the Black Hats…you opened a Pandora’s box thinking it was the key to a great idea to save us and now it has come back to destroy the USA along with you; or,
2. You don’t really exist and there never was a plan…Trump made an inexplicably dumb mistake in turning over the USA to the Black Hats when he and everybody else knew that they had stolen the 2020 election; or,
3. You have been blinded by the fog of war and have no idea what to do or how to do it…the Black Hats have been so devastatingly successful in their plan on so many fronts that your own command and control structure has broken down completely and you could not strike back even if you had the means to do it.
I hope and pray that none of the above adverse conditions exist. I hope and pray that there is a “self-organizing collective” (Clif High’s name for the White Hats) that exists and that its plan can and will work to save the USA from complete destruction.
It’s show time White Hats…if you can’t stop the destruction happening to us right now at the hands of our own captured federal government that you allowed to be installed, you’re done…you’re lost…no one will ever believe in you or even your existence. Of course if that is the case and and by that point, nothing will matter.