I went around to those places this morning that I go around to every morning, and... I notice, day by day, that I am more aware of The Levels at which our wide world of information is generated. It seems to only go so far up above the crotch area of anatomical focus. There is also the place where Prana is made from food, but... it seems most people don't care about knowing this sort of thing. They eat what's on their plate and they don't think much about where it came from... or what it had to go through to get there or... even what it is, most of the time.
By now... it should be exceedingly apparent that some particular, small group of conscienceless psychopaths, are energetically involved in trying to kill and enslave the rest of us. Some of us can see who it is that gets PUT INTO POWER, and are then manipulated from the sidelines and shadows to-our-detriment.
I can't see the whole thing at the same time. I don't have that 360 degree thing, unless I am looking inward. So... sometimes it seems like it is all based on a cabal of merciless killers, and sometimes it seems more like global degeneration, where people are going backwards, into the animal nature. Sometimes it seems that there is an observable trend toward ever more and more crazy, and that material excess is the source of it, and... sometimes... it looks like two kingdoms, at war with each other, from different planes of existence.
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