Devolution is dead...if it hasn't happened by now, it will never happen.
Since the 2020 election steal that installed a foreign captured government in Washington (the Biden regime) there has been a theory going around that in the event that such an illegitimate government were installed, that the US military is empowered under Federal law to effectively declare martial law, take down the foreign captured government, arrest and try the traitors in military tribunals, and restore constitutional government to the country via new, constitutionally guaranteed elections. This theory is called “devolution” and is based on the idea that if the federal government were decapitated or captured, that there would be some pre-determined mechanism in place to restore and maintain “continuity of [legitimate] government” in the United States of America.
There appears to be some considerable validity to the devolution theory as particularly presented by someone who calls himself “Patel Patriot” on Patel Patriot exhibits considerable knowledge of the applicable federal law, relevant executive orders that have been issued, and even of persons who might carry out the actions to make devolution a reality. For me personally, the devolution theory became the only source of hope that I had for the salvation of the Republic as all the other hopium purveyors like Juan O Savin who have held our attention in this regard have gradually fallen by the wayside as nothing that they said would happen, did happen.
Now I believe that the devolution theory must be laid to rest. The reason that I say this is not that I believe that the theory is false, but that the theory has failed to play out. Let me explain…
The triggering conditions for the military to spring into action so as to effect actions to maintain continuity of government under devolution are in the event that it becomes established that the elected leaders of the executive branch of the federal government have been either destroyed (as in killed), they have been incapacitated to the extent that they can no longer function in their official capacities, they have been illegitimately placed into office as in the case of a stolen national election (particularly with the assistance of foreign government(s) that aided and abetted the stealing of the election) and must be removed, and/or that they have been compromised in such a manner that they are captured by a foreign government or other nefarious entity and are deliberately and maliciously not upholding their oaths of office under the Constitution and must be removed.
Who (excluding collaborators and the brain dead) at this point does not believe that we have known for several months now that the Biden regime was illegitimately placed into office as in the case of a stolen national election that was aided and abetted by foreign governments, that the Biden regime has been compromised in such a manner that it is captured by a foreign government(s), and that the Biden regime is deliberately and maliciously not only failing to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic, but is actually aiding and abetting the foreign and domestic enemies of the United States (by whom they are compromised) to destroy our Constitution and our country? Who does not not only believe this, but actually knows it to be absolutely true?
Let’s look at the evidence…here are the three major issues:
1. We now have all of the receipts that conclusively prove that Donald Trump was re-elected to a second term as President of the United States on November 3, 2020 in a virtual landslide, although Joseph R. Biden was installed as Trump’s illegitimate successor on January 20, 2021 as a result of a stolen election. We now know that the Biden campaign and the Democrat Party colluded with foreign governments and domestic traitors to steal the election. This should have triggered devolution.
2. We now have witnessed the Biden regime aiding and abetting an invasion of the United States by millions of aliens from over 150 countries, many single men of military age, in total and complete contravention of federal law. This foreign invasion which includes the commission of human trafficking, drug trafficking, and collaboration with international crime cartels is meant to destroy the United States from the inside out by creating a fifth column military and civilian force that will act against the people of the United States at the direction of the Biden regime. This should have triggered devolution.
3. We are now witnessing “Holodomor” in America…this is the Biden regime’s causing mass starvation, famine, on the citizens of the United States. The Biden regime is doing this by shutting down the transportation of fertilizer to farmers for the spring planting season, the shutting down of the transportation of grains and other feeds to livestock farmers, dairy farmers, and poultry farms, the destruction of millions of poultry (chickens, etc.) due to a fake bird flu pandemic, the destruction by explosion and fire of major food processing plants and food distribution centers in the USA, paying farmers not to plant crops, and causing massive pricing increases in crop inputs and energy costs to run farm equipment. On top of all this the Biden regime is engaged in high altitude chemtrails designed to block the sun’s rays from reaching crops, CO2 sequestering that removes vital plant food from the air, and weather modification that may be responsible for historic droughts occurring in the western states. The Biden regime is literally waging war against the people of the United States by attempting to starve us to death. This should have triggered devolution.
There are multiple other acts perpetrated against the United States and its citizens by the Biden regime that are clearly acts of war that justify the removal and prosecution of the Biden regime. These acts include the destruction of the USA’s energy independence so as to hand undo influence back to foreign powers and raise the cost of energy to untenable levels, the destruction of the value of our currency which has resulted in record inflation and the impoverishment of our middle class, the destruction of vital supply chains that are key to our nation’s economic vitality, the dramatic weakening of our military via experimental deadly injections, involvement in a regional European ground war that has nothing to do with our national interests but is causing massive economic and political dislocation in the USA and among our supposed allies…the list goes on and on. Let’s face it, there is no doubt that the elected leaders of the executive branch of our government (aka the Biden regime), which was illegally installed by foreign powers to rule over the United States, is a powerful enemy of the United States of America bent on the total defeat and destruction of the United States of America. This should have triggered devolution, but it has not. Why?
Apparently, devolution depends on the military having sufficient patriots in the upper officer core to act appropriately in the face of a continuity of government crisis of the type facing the USA right now. Devolution won’t work if there is nobody to make it happen and this is what I believe has happened…the military leaders who would have saved us via devolution either aren’t there anymore (they’ve been thrown out by the regime) or they have been compromised, threatened, and/or corrupted so completely that they are no longer effective as defenders of the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. This is the incredible depth to which I believe that our nation has fallen and there appears to be no way to climb out of this hole that depends on the instrumentalities of our government acting in defense the people.
Devolution is a good theory put forth by good people, but devolution needs good people to be in the right places at the right time, and for those people in the right places to act as they should for it all to work out. The fact that in the face of all the evidence of lack of continuity in our constitutional government, that the military has not acted to save the nation is ample evidence that devolution will simply not happen at this time in US history. Apparently there is no one left in the military who can and is willing to carry it out.
By the way, none of this would have happened if Donald Trump had had the courage to act, and faith in the American people who would support him, to invoke the Insurrection Act so as to stop the installation of the illegitimate Biden regime cold when it absolutely could have been done prior to January 20, 2021.