Someone is poking the beehive. There is an angry humming that fills the air. The collective and unfocused violence of sound is in search of a landing zone. It can only be The Material Plane. Hordes of angry insects are stirred by invisible arrows of passion, injected into the common mind, set afire with rage against their fellows and all comers. It can be credibly presumed that agitators are involved, and one does not have to look beyond the usual suspects to find the source of it. Someone... something, is always looking for a place to divide anything against itself and make a buck out of it. It's what they do.
No matter how long Stupidity may be around, it NEVER gets any smarter. It easily falls prey to the same provocations, over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. One day it's patriotism; often referred to as the last refuge of scoundrels. On another day, it is a difference of opinion about something that wasn't important only the day before. Next week, it will be differences of color... or religion... or sex... or ever a confusion of sexes in search of an even greater confusion. It is all the product of Materialism, whose byproducts include; laziness, selfishness, stupidity, and chief among the choices... INSANITY.
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