Did Trump Avert a Civil War or Cause a Civil War to Happen That We The People Are Losing...But Could Win?
The word has been out for a long time in our alternative media that Donald Trump acted extremely wisely in the interest of the people of the USA by not invoking the Insurrection Act prior to January 20, 2021 and consequently allowed the Biden Administration to take power. We have been told over and over by truth tellers on our side (107 in particular) that even though he knew for a fact that the presidential election that “defeated” him was stolen, Donald Trump believed that if he used the Insurrection Act to stop the transfer of government to the illegitimate, corrupt, captured fake president Biden, that a civil war would ensue in the United States…and he didn’t want this to happen. The last thing in the world that Donald Trump wanted was for the United States to be plunged into a civil war …even if it was caused by his own righteous act of invoking the rule of law.
So Donald Trump left office thinking that he had averted a civil war in the United States and that somehow things would all work out for us down the road even with the captured, illegitimate President Biden in power. The truth tellers on our side would tell us that Trump had a plan to return as he famously said before boarding AF1 for the last time, “we’ll be back in some form,” whatever that means…but civil war had surely been averted.
The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump did not avert a civil war in America by stepping aside for Joe Biden, he has allowed a civil war in America to happen, and it is happening right now. The civil war that is raging in America today is nothing like any civil war the world has seen before and it is so bizarre that maybe Donald Trump could be excused for not foreseeing it.
Civil wars generally occur when the people of a nation splits apart over some issue like slavery or provincial rights and the argument becomes so intractable that arms are taken up…brother against brother, friend against friend, patriot against patriot. This time its different and as I said before, utterly bizarre. This time a new government of a country has taken power and that government has promptly gone to war against its own people and the nation that it is supposed to be governing.
The current government of the United States of America with its very elite cadre of enablers is literally an enemy of the United States of America and its people who are supposed to be sovereign. This new government is doing everything in its power (which is overwhelming because it controls all of the instrumentalities of the government) to defeat, destroy, and totally ruin the United States. Let that sink in for a minute…our government is at war with us and wants to kill as many of us as it possibly can and enslave the rest. This is America’s Second Civil War, a truly weird kind of civil war, but real people are dying every day in this war and a lot more are about to die…this is not some kind of theoretical concept…it’s a real deadly war and the bad guys who have captured our government are winning this war big time.
What is plainly obvious is that we must do everything in our power to understand and to know that our country is in the control of people who are as much enemies of the United States as was Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II. But it is worse than that…these enemies, unlike the Germans and the Japanese, have already overthrown our federal government, taken control over virtually all of our major corporations and thus virtually complete control over our food, shelter, and energy, seized our banking system and control over our currency, taken control over our major media and installed a real-life ministry of truth, instituted a near total surveillance state using our own intelligence services, de-fanged our military, led an invasion of millions of aliens to destroy our communities, caused a fake pandemic which allowed them to inject almost half of the country’s population with a proven fatal drug, and are now in the process of creating a famine which will potentially starve millions of civilians to death on top of an energy crisis that is destroying our ability to operate our economy. They are thoroughly defeating us without firing a shot of one kinetic weapon.
The German Nazis and the Imperial Japanese could only dream of such a victory in war and yet we are being told every day that we are so fortunate that we have avoided a civil war. We are told that if we are in war, it is a “5th generation war” that is not fought with lethal weapons but with information…it is a battle of web sites and web servers, a battle of media outlets and big tech control of what we are allowed to know and see, and a battle being waged in the judicial courts. Yet people are actually, physically dying, people are actually, physically being maimed in this supposed war of information…millions of people…most likely millions of people more than would have been killed and maimed in the civil war that Donald Trump so seemingly, judiciously avoided when he allowed a known traitor and fraud to be installed as president of the United States.
So now we are in this civil war of the government against the people and the nation and we are being told that the way that We The People are going to win this war, which we are definitely losing at this point, is by working through the system to essentially disarm the enemy. Particularly we are told that in the upcoming midterm election we will win back the House and the Senate and there will be hearings and legislative deadlock that will freeze the enemy executive branch of the US government in its tracks. Well good luck with that one…does anyone believe that the 2022 election will be any more honest than the 2020 election? Does anyone believe that Gavin Newsome really won his recent recall election in California? Does anyone really believe that the Trudeau government really won its recent re-election in Canada? Does anyone really believe that Macron really won his recent re-election in France? The enemy government of the United States will not allow itself to lose the 2022 mid-term elections…they have control over the election systems especially through their political surrogates of both parties at the state level. If it seems like too much trouble for the enemy Biden government to steal the 2022 midterms, they may just find some excuse not to have the midterms…how about a total lockdown of the country due to another fake pandemic or a “climate emergency.” Have you noticed that the enemy Biden government hasn’t said a peep about the demonic lock downs currently under way in China to achieve a phantom “zero-covid” outcome? They love it.
Yes, but, but, how about the Durham probe, and how about Hunter’s laptop and the grand jury in Delaware, and how about Elon Musk taking over Twitter, and how about the 2000 Mules movie, and how about the polls showing how unpopular the enemy Biden government is and how unhappy the people are? Isn’t this a sign that we are fighting back and maybe even beginning to win this one? The enemy government does not care about any of this stuff and they certainly don’t care about anything that the people think or feel. Do you really think that these people care what happens to the Clintons? …or the Bidens? …or the Obama’s? They are road kill. The people who are running the enemy Biden government and similar national enemy governments around the world simply don’t care about anyone except themselves and anything except their achievement of absolute power by any means necessary…and of course they consider themselves to be completely above the law. This is the enemy that we the citizens of the United States of America are up against in our Second Civil War and they are beating the you know what out of us. They are ruthless killers, and they will stop at nothing to get their way. This is the enemy that Donald Trump either did not realize existed or the enemy that he thought would best be able to be defeated once they took power from him. Great idea Mr. President.
So what do We The People do now? There are some great options that go back to our revolution against the British back in 1776 when We The People were in a similar situation, but I of course cannot suggest them here. The only partially realistic option that I can suggest is to somehow find a way to motivate the completely corrupt, brain-dead Republican controlled state legislatures in at least three of the stolen swing states of 2020, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, to decertify their presidential electors, and throw the 2020 election back to Trump before the 2022 midterms. This would definitely cause a real kinetic civil war in America as the enemy Biden government would have to attempt to use federal military and police powers to suppress a state-level led counter insurgency. However, there are real questions whether what is left of patriots in the military would go along with the enemy Biden government…there might still be enough patriots in the military who would take the side of the People and help defeat the captured police agencies of the federal government such as the FBI and DHS that would certainly collaborate with the enemy Biden government. The real effect of the enemy Biden government going kinetic to stay in power would be that We The People would finally have the opportunity to shoot back when shot at…to defend ourselves and our nation against a rogue tyrannical government, and we would certainly win that one, especially with patriots in the military on our side. Remember, it is not only the right of The People but the duty of The People, as stated in our Declaration of Independence, to throw off any tyrannical, non-constitutional government that may arise in the United States of America.
Sounds like a pretty good scenario to save the Republic? Maybe, but it depends on Republicans at the state level doing the right thing and decertifying electors to start the ball rolling. Unfortunately, with few exceptions Republicans hate to win anything and are so sensitive to appearing aggressive in any way that the idea that they would actually stand up and do something like decertify presidential electors is just not in their wheelhouse. Beside the fact that to a large extent we do have a “uni-party” in the United States…Republicans make special efforts to get along with Democrats (the enemy’s party) even if it means throwing their own constituents under the proverbial bus. It’s a fact…most Republican politicians are so craven that they would be loath to do anything that would really offend their Democrat buddies no matter what the people who elected them think.
So, I don’t hold out much hope that we will see a scenario where the enemy Biden government has to go full-out kinetic to save itself against a Republican state legislature led effort that would legally take them down. But, if by some miracle enough patriot Republicans in the swing states can stand up and make sufficient elector decertification happen in time, I know that We The People can finish the job and take back and restore our Republic.