The following is a repost in reference to the last sentence, 9., at .
"Freezing 200,000 tons of lethal arsenic dust that has the potential of killing the entire population of Earth many times over"
There was once an Indian some where up in the North East. Someone gave him a handful of glass beads. INSTANTLY he was the single richest Indian on the North American continent. He possessed more wealth than any and all tribes in the land, and he knew it. He knew that he possessed the most unique and practical resource for large scale trading. He knew that he could make and break tribes and confederations at will.
The savage was NOT stupid. But, he was short sighted and that cost him his dreams, his family, his community, his land... everything.
The larger predator simply tricked the Indian and then ate him.
Before gold was worshiped as god it was impossible for the predators on and above this planet to gorge themselves on the flesh and blood and suffering of man. Logistics prohibited huge international wars. Vast economies could not be raped and murdered. Most importantly the entirety of the planet could not be subdued under a single god=devil or god=devil conglomerate, as is happening as we speak. ( God=devil literally. Also think republican=democrat or similar. There is no difference.)
The god=devil simply tricked man and then ate him. This is where we are now, under the power of GO(L)D.
Simple minds can understand that mere paper currency can have an equal or greater value than gold, as money, if the value (production) is intelligently regulated by honest public servants (congress). Those voluminous intellects whose addiction is never ending complexity will necessarily struggle and suffer with the simple notion that currency serves life but life does not serve currency or complexity.
Ultimately money is faith. There is just no way around that. Monetary faith is most comfortable when placed in a stable medium of exchange. Anything will work, even an old tire with unique identifiers can be an anchor if mooring is needed for for that faith. GO(L)D is not necessary.
The arsenic dust that has the potential of killing the entire population of the earth many times over is not the real danger. Centering the value of currencies in the resource of the god=devils is a far more deadly poison.
Wishing that the "price" of GO(L)D would increase significantly means wishing a dearth of things necessary for life for the populations and is a symptom of severe GO(L)D poisoning on the part of the one wishing.
At some point, soon, GO(L)D will be acknowledged as the horror-that-it-was-cultivated-to-be. (It did not happen by accident. The rape and pillage and murder was planned long ago.) A popular and trusted world government will sensibly require that any GO(L)D used in trade must be registered with World Ship of State. The suffering masses will agree heartily and those who suffer from GO(L)D poisoning will have no choice but to cast their precious metal into the Sea if they wish to legally speculate at the expense of the masses and the masses will have a more reliable article of faith currency for which they will thank GO(L)D.