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Open Letter Request to Landa China

Posted By: KarinLLightworker
Date: Saturday, 22-August-2015 14:32:23

Open Letter to Landa China Development Investment Corporation
by KarinLLightworker

July 25, 2015

Re: Requesting Funds from the Collateral Accounts to expand my work as a “Lightworker for America”

Dear committee of Landa China;
My name is Karin Lacy; I'm a self-proclaimed Lightworker for America.
I was guided by spirit to come to America to serve here as a Lightworker.
In 2005, at age 59, I left my American husband and my home in order to fulfill my mission and live openly as a Lightworker.

Back then, when I was a student of the non-physical teacher Abraham-Hicks, I thought I was well prepared to face the challenges ahead. Being a senior, female, and immigrant, with no money, no friends, no job, no car, I had to throw myself into the mix of life.

Part of my work has been to be a writer of Open Letters in which I document my life experience as a Lightworker as a means of spreading the Light. I put these letters as chapters in my books.

Just recently a fellow Lightworker told me that the Collateral Accounts are now being distributed. He gave me the link to your website and recommended that I apply for funding for my long-term vision of a dome village project.

After seeing your website I realized that I had visited it before because of Cobra's recommendation on his blog awhile back. However, back then in glancing over it I did not feel any resonance. Too much business/corporation energy there in regards to your Venture Capitalist funding. Reading your “Terms of Use”, written by lawyers of the Bar, was enough to know.

So this time I listened to the audio from the latest conference call.
I had difficulties understanding anything that was said, and not just because of the bad sound quality. The team members spoke Legalize, meaning they are probably lawyers, bankers, and other officials. I listened two times to the 1.20 hr audiotape but felt that nothing of importance to me was said.
Next I visited your website and studied your section 'Projects'.

Several times in the past I had applied for funding from the supposed collateral accounts, but never heard from them again. It made me aware that I gave away all my personal data plus my vision statement details to potential cabal minions.
Three years ago I spent at least an entire weekend applying for Nesara Funding, and also told others to apply; then later I applied for funds from HopeGirl Fix the World project, plus for other funding opportunities.
Also, three years ago I wrote a Letter to President Obama requesting the providing of a “Lightworker for America Fund” for the rehabilitation of the Cabal members after the mass arrests. The letter can be read here:
Several times I printed out information about the release of collateral accounts for Native Americans and gave it to people with Native American ancestry. Nothing ever happened, other than that I made a fool out of myself once again and put my reputation as a Lightworker on the line.

In September of 2014 I wrote a letter to Cobra, “Asking for the Litmus Test”, in which I gave feedback to Cobra, The Resistance Movement and the Lightworkers. I challenged Cobra and the Resistance Movement by requesting $10,000 from the collateral accounts/gold that the Resistance Movement supposedly has confiscated from the Cabal. I was curious to see what response I would get. I explained that instead of struggling and waiting and sitting on our hands, we of the ground crew could be practicing 'Love of Action'. I wrote that I would buy a small piece of raw land and put up some RV vehicles and gather a small group of frontier spirits for starting a self-sustaining community from scratch. Our goal would be to establish the first Ubuntu-Contributionism Community in California.
I posted my letter on the Comments on Cobra's Blog. However, Cobra approved only page 1 without page 2, which made the post useless.
The letter can be read here: http://karinllightworker.com/blog/?page_id=387

About the “Vision Plan of The Landa paradigm in the funding of a Project”
Reading your 2-page “Vision Plan of The Landa paradigm in the funding of a Project” brought up questions for me.
It's a strange blend of business/corporation style, Legalize, and New Age terminology, written by people who appear still anchored in the Old World paradigm, projecting their perspective or paradigm into the future. Applicants need to present a “professional” business plan. It says, if they are not capable of writing one they can hire professionals to do it for them. (Wouldn't this be cheating?)
Instead of going over the details of your Vision Plan, I'd rather provide here the link for the readers to read it themselves:

Frankly, to me it sounds like the continuation of the old draconian bureaucratic apparatus, being now attached to every project of creating the New Earth.

I feel reminded of the whole Iraqi Dinar RV story, that's been going on for years, playing people's emotions like an instrument. The Galactic Historian, Andrew Bartzis, talks about the feeding tubes that the Archons use for siphoning off our lower 3D survival energies that are their food. I think very likely the Dinar RV story serves as such a feeding tube for human energy harvesting.
I even wonder whether the collateral accounts are a myth designed as Archon feeding tubes.

I cannot see simplicity, clarity, and transparency surrounding the website of Landa China. If it is true that a huge pile of money has been given to Landa China for distribution to worthy projects, then this money is ours already, it is for We The People. You committee persons are only the custodians or trustees.
I think the visitors of your website would appreciate a Q&A section that answers points like how much money has been given to you? Who gave the money to you and made you the distributors? Why are you acting out a hierarchical order? Who are the individuals making up the committee of “judges” who get to decide who is worthy of fund money and how much, when, and how?

We The People are The Heirs of Creation
Are you, Committee of Landa China, fully aware that in your position as the fund distributors you are given the privilege to enable people's dreams and projects? That has never been done before. As I understand it, your job is the swift distribution of the people's money into their hands. If you people judge who is worthy, then you are in duality, and you are not acting from a stance of sacred neutral.
Why being so concerned whether an applicant is worthy of the money? So what if there are some cheaters in between. As you know, the whole money system is fraud, we all were enslaved to the
money. Those supposed hundreds of trillions of dollars in the collateral accounts are part of the system of fraud as well.
The reason for the swift distribution of these monies actually is to end the programmed money system on Earth. These collateral accounts are for the transition time, to end all suffering on Earth, to heal and restore, to enable us to step into our self-empowerment as Sovereign Beings on Earth.
The time is now that “the Meek shall inherit the Earth”.

About Me
I lived in Mount Shasta, Northern California, for over four years. In my outer world I did not succeed in finding co-founders for manifesting a self-sustaining eco village. However, my main work there was in the non-physical realm.

My retirement benefit is so low that my life was a struggle from month to month, especially through the winter hardship. Nearly every month I had to tap into my credit card to pay for Internet access.
I decided to move to Yreka, half an hour North of Mount Shasta, where I still would be in the vicinity of the mountain, but the climate would be milder and livelihood less expensive.

Practicing Service to Others in Yreka, California, population 7,600.
It's never easy to make a fresh start in a new town. Over the last ten years I had to move eleven times, several times to a new city.
In talking in terms of energy awareness I noticed right away that the whole Yreka area is ruled by “male domination and control”. There seems to be a large number of local rowdies who are using their vehicles in setting the tone for a much increased noise level in town. As it appears to me, the rest of the population are willing to endure it, and even got used to it. The guys are “rough on the edges” here; “The louder the better” is their motto. They like Rodeo and illegal dog fights, so I've been told.

There is a shortcoming of Divine Feminine Energy. For sure this imbalance determines not just the relationships between the sexes, but it affects all areas of life. I watch lots of bully drivers who drive at freeway speed through town. They drive without or with modified mufflers causing enormous noise pollution and they stink from fuel exhaust, accompanied by radio music turned to the max. They don't stop when a pedestrian wants to cross the street at the pedestrian lines. I do wonder why the standard traffic rules don't apply here.

Yreka is not a bicycle-friendly town. There are no bike path. I would have to ride my bike in the street and mingle with the bullies. Well, I feel safer going on foot.

A local woman told me that 54 % of the local population are on welfare, and the other half of residents would agree with her that the welfare people have not much money but lots of time on their hands; and this causes the many problems of domestic violence, abuse, crime, etc.
On Saturdays is car racing at the fairgrounds. The horrendous noise, dust and fuel exhaust are being carried through the air waves over much of the town. I too can hear it, living three miles away.
People tell me that there are cartels of Cambodian marijuana growers living in the hills, stealing water from residents and firing warn shoots.

Yreka is the Siskiyou county capital where all the local government agencies are located. The big-box courthouse sits as the domineering colossus in the middle of town, across from the large Catholic Church.
When I explored the city in all directions I noticed the many attorney offices everywhere. In fact, I have never seen anywhere else so many attorney offices. I was dumbfounded to learn that the Yellow Pages have over 40 pages of attorney ads.
The lawyers are the infiltrators, the minions of the government, whose job is to dis-empower the people. They also represent the parasites, milking people for money at every chance they get. Yes, for sure there are also a few “Robin Hood”s . Obviously, the attorneys represent the largest segment of the local upper middle class who live in the many nice houses in town.

Balancing the Energies
Being a Lightworker, I'm always looking for ways to serve the community. As one of my contributions, I want to play again the role of the local Ladybug Lady who gives away adorable little glass ladybugs as good luck tokens. (smile)
The last time I was the Ladybug Lady was four years ago in nearby Weed. In one month I gave away 150 glass ladybugs. People loved them!
I think I could make a contribution towards the balancing of the male/female energies by playing the Ladybug Lady in town. My goal would be to gift all 7,600 residents with a glass ladybug. The ramifications of such seemingly insignificant acts of random kindness are greater than can be explained here. It would help soften those hard-nosed, de-sensitized, calloused fellows and eventually help shift and harmonize the energy of the whole area.
Please read my 2-page “Ladybug Lady Story” on my website:

I went to places, I socialized, I looked into people's eyes to connect at the heart level. I've been looking around for a glass artist woman to join me in enabling the Ladybug Lady in town and increasing the female qualities of kindness, empathy, love, compassion, creativity, generosity, sensitivity, beauty, etc. Alas,Yrekans do not know the magical ramifications of having a Ladybug Lady in town. As usual the lacking money aooears to be the main obstacle.

What I would do in Yreka
I have been pondering “What if” this Landa China Project Funding Website is genuine and they would provide me with funds. Of course I would right away hire a glass artist to produce glass ladybugs for me. (smile)

If Landa China is genuine and I receive access to large amounts of money I would be able to start bigger projects. I would hire people for assistance. I would be in a position to gather a group of people of like-mind and eliminate all money and survival problems among us. We would create a model for living in the New Earth. We would buy a spacious house for the establishment of the headquarters of the first Californian Ubuntu-Contributionism Community.

If Landa China is for real, I will fund free transit bus riding throughout Siskiyou County. I would eliminate the paying of fees for transportation in the local area within Siskiyou County.

If Landa China provides me with funding I will join local activists and fund their projects for eliminating homelessness.

If Landa China provides me with money at my disposal I will establish contact with farmers. I will offer them funds for growing Hemp and to educate people about Hemp Seeds as the world's most balanced food.

When people tell me about their troubles, caused by the lack of money, I will say, “I can help you, how much do you need?” Without any bureaucracy I would transfer a certain amount from my Landa China account to their paypal account and write a short note to Landa China with the explanation for the use, for their records. This way, the distribution of money becomes a medium for the Action of Love or Love of Action.

Starting out as the Ladybug Lady I could become a figure as mysterious as Count Saint Germain himself. (grin) He had to appear as a mysterious noble man, giving a hint of his unimaginable wealth by adorning even his shoes with precious gems to impress the ruling class. The money language spoke then as loud as it does today.

If I suddenly were rich in the eyes of the townsfolk, it would turn everything around. I suddenly would be a crazy rich lady instead of the poor weirdo woman with the German accent. The language of money they understand, in fact, it is the only language they are programmed to understand.

Ahh, it makes my heart sing, playing with this vision of uplifting this entire town of 7,600 from a “male domination and control” mindset to a community where women consciously and intentionally balance the energies and raise human consciousness within the whole area. We do so through acts of love, empathy, creativity, compassion, caring, nurturing, etc.

People would be curious about who we as a group are; the fact that we have money would indicate to them that we are successful in society. They would begin listening to what we have to say.

Other things l would initiate
Making the town bicycle-friendly is another way of harmonizing and stabilizing male/female energies in a town.
I would gift every teenager with a Unicycle, if he or she is interested. It is an excellent tool of striving for balance, in body-mind-spirit. Each teenager who masters riding a Unicycle will contribute to the harmonizing of the energy field in the whole area. So much good could be said about the Unicycle!
Also, I would gift people with Segway Human Transporters and other innovative personal transportation.
Instead of de-sensitizing the present and next generation through aggressive sports with massive noise and air pollution, brutal competition, ego inflation, recklessness, etc., I would finance races for Segways and Unicycles.

Peace Poles: I would hire a ley-line reader to be in charge of the positioning and installation of at least four Peace Poles in Yreka, created by the local metal sculptor, as powerful tools for emanating Divine Feminine Energy. In all endeavors I would ensure everybody involved always is paid generously for their greater upliftment.

Also, I would promote horseback riding as replacement for offroad-vehicles. I would inspire and finance a foundation for gifting everybody with a horse who is willing to turn in their offroad vehicle or hot rod for dismantling. There is nothing more healing and grounding than riding a horse, and besides it fosters kinship with the horse, caring, compassion, empathy, Love of Nature, etc. Owning and caring for a horse could de-callous those offroad-vehicle riders who turn themselves into zombies from circling “dust donuts” as their way of “enjoying the great outdoors”.

I could go on. After awhile local inventors and other people with innovative ideas would approach me for the funding of their projects.

Request for Funding
As a Sovereign Human Creator on Earth and in my role as a Lightworker for America I am hereby requesting from Landa China to open an account in my Internet signature name, KarinLLightworker, and to deposit 1 million dollars from humanity's collateral accounts.

I would like to serve as a distributor for the collateral accounts. I want to be instrumental in opening the funnels of abundance for all, like Niagara Falls, creating an energy current towards manifesting the New Earth of 5th dimensional frequency.

I am a Lightworker of the First Wave. I've been growing weary of living in the mode of struggle for survival for so long. It's been harder than I thought it would, serving as a human satellite dish for these incoming waves of new galactic energies. At times, when taking in more than I can handle, it takes my breath away, to say the least. Spiritual discipline and spiritual hygiene are essential. The constant switching between both, the 3rd and 5th dimension, is very hard on the physical body, it can make you bi-polar.

Cobra once said in an interview that he's looking forward to when the liberation of the planet is over and he can go home. I too am a volunteer, here to assist in ushering humanity through the Shift of the Ages. I wanna go home, too. I'll know when my mission is complete.

Until then I'd like to do as much soothing for my brothers and sisters as possible with the money that I hereby ask you to funnel towards my endeavors. My goal is to use the funds to harmonize and balance the energies in this area North of Mount Shasta, near the Oregon border.
Of course 1 million dollars is not enough to upshift an entire town into a higher frequency in the way I described above. I will frequently ask you for new deposits.

In a year from now somebody in town may want to do a survey about what has been changed and accomplished with the money from the collateral accounts within one year.

Deception and Discernment
We truly live in a holographic Matrix. The Old World paradigm is an illusion, held together by lies and deception. As we move through these end times each one of us will have direct experiences of deception, deceit, lying, cheating, misleading, etc. And not just from the Cabal and from fellow humans, but very likely from alien deceivers as well.
As a foreign immigrant I think Americans are especially gullible, meaning easy to manipulate. We must question everything. In this 3D world Deception comes in myriads of ways.

Three pillars to detect the Truth are “Simplicity, Clarity, and Transparency”.
To learn to listen with the Heart is the key, yet it needs practice.
Discernment is the virtue that we gain as a result.
All contracts of and for the future must be marked by simplicity, clarity, and transparency.

The Meek Inherit the Earth
As the whole of humanity we are now reaching towards Unity Consciousness. Over the next few years the majority of people will awaken to the truth that money is a tool for energy harvesting and that we all were enslaved to money. Money indeed causes all problems on Earth, and yet success in life is measured through money. In truth money serves our off-world rulers to farm humanity.
After the Event/Shift there will be Nations who want to continue the money system. Especially those people will want to continue the money game who got really good at climbing the social ladder of success and living a better life at the expense of others. They should be allowed to continue their money paradigm amongst themselves.
Without a doubt, the majority of the global population will want to end the money game on Earth. As we strive to live in Unity Consciousness money will phase out. The new era of the Aquarian Age will be a gift economy, a money-less society, prophesied as the Thousand Years of Peace.

Ubuntu-Contributionism is a model for a money-less society, designed by Michael Tellinger as a new paradigm for manifesting Heaven on Earth. I would like to manifest my long-term vision of an eco dome village in combination with the Ubuntu-Contributionism philosophy.
I know there are many of the ground crew who have developed visions of making a better world. However, to get there, we need money. I think this is what the collateral accounts are meant for, to ease the transition, to soothe the people, to heal and restore.

I am a Lightworker for America, I am of the ground crew. For more information and references, my storefronts are:

Dear committee of Landa China, we are out here on the leading edge of thought, charting new waters, we are navigating through dimensions, pre-paving new pathways for the new paradigm of the Golden Age of 5th dimension. We are all in this together.

Beside my request for funding my letter is meant for feedback. I also intended to inspire others to start visualizing the distribution of the monies from the collateral accounts. I suggest to organize in each state sub-distributors with the goal of promptly bringing the funds to the people with projects. It can be done as fast as creating an online account at amazondotcom.

I will be posting my “Open Letter Request to Landa China” on the blogosphere for the inspiration of the ground crew.

I'd like to conclude with this great nugget from your Vision Plan: “To see the vision is to accomplish it”. What a beautiful wording for promoting Love as Action, or the Action of Love.
The time is now: the Meek emerging as the Heirs of Creation and becoming Sovereign Humans!

I'm looking forward to our cooperation.
Victory of the Light!
I Am KarinLLightworker


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