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Living in the new Earth of 5D

Posted By: KarinLLightworker
Date: Monday, 24-August-2015 13:58:29

Karin Lacy – www.KarinLLightworker.com karinlacy@gmail.com

January 2014

Living in the New Earth of 5D

Dear fellow Lightworkers;
My name is Karin Lacy, I'm a Lightworker in Mount Shasta, Northern California.
Two years ago, in December of 2011, I met a young man by the name of “I Am”. He claimed to be an Ambassador of Lemuria, the legendary subterranean civilization beneath Mount Shasta. He channeled many beings, and especially the Ascended Master Saint Germain (with a fine English accent) who is said to have a secret retreat inside the mountain.
“I Am” also channeled Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos, the Lemurian city of ascended humans beneath Mount Shasta. “I Am” (age 26) was an extraordinary young man. He was very kind and loving and had great charisma. He claimed to be fully fifth-dimensionally anchored.
I went to the local meeting where “I Am” announced his mission to gather a group of people as the “Lemurian Pilot Council”. The goal was to prepare a group as the first one to visit the inner Earth and to meet our brothers and sisters in Telos.
Well, I always wanted to meet somebody like “I Am”. With his amazing knowledge and wisdom he appeared like a poster child for the Indigo Children. I told him I feel that I should join the council and “I Am” confirmed that he too sees me as a member of this group.

The first task of our 9-member Lemurian Pilot Council was to draw up a “Declaration of Sovereignty.”

At the end of this article I am adding this 1-page Declaration for your perusal.

For two months we met every other day in the woods in a member's A-frame dwelling and worked on preparing and enabling ourselves for a visit to Telos, that is, to raise our vibration, individually and as the group.
We all were aware that the end of the year, on December 21st of 2012, was considered to be the date for the Shift of the Ages.
As a side note: Several of our members had bought Iraqi Dinars and followed the websites about the development of the Dinar Revaluation; they expected to make big money at the upcoming revaluation which they were told could happen any day. They updated us regularly about the development and offered to share some of their expected fortune with the rest of the group who didn't buy Dinars.

Two months later we experienced an incident which revealed that we all, “I Am” and we group members, had been duped by some non-physical entities. We ended our group.
A few weeks later we heard that our ambassador “I Am” had gone back to Los Angeles.
In early April of 2012 we learned that “I Am” was found dead by the police at the base of a tower, near Santa Monica, California.

In retrospect I think one of the major lessons of our group experience as the Lemurian Pilot Council was to experience Deception. We were hoodwinked by some lingering astral tricksters who told us that they were waiting right above us in a cloaked craft.
The Lemurian Pilot Council was an experience of great depth for all involved, and I'm sure each one of us participants cherishes the remembrance of this 3-months period of intense vision quest and exploration. I personally am grateful that “I Am” and I had crossed our paths here in Mount Shasta.
However, this article focuses on the subject of the “Declaration of Sovereignty.”

Dear Reader, be aware that the dark cabal use Deception as one of their tools to keep the population functioning at the lower 3D level of existence. Deception causes Confusion. Confused people are easy to herd into mass obedience by their leaders and controllers.
Deception is one of the major lessons of these End Times. Of course whatever it is we go through offers unprecedented opportunities for learning on schoolhouse Earth. Through being deceived we learn discernment according to the saying in America, “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”

Judgment was essential in navigating through the 3D world of duality. In order to be able to live in the frequency range of the 5th dimension we each must master the learning curve “from judgment to discernment.” It actually cannot be taught, it must be practiced from within. It requires going into the heart and ask which one feels like the truth. Letting go of judgment takes practice.

I admit throughout the year 2012 I read many of the channeled messages with their promising announcements of a sudden Heaven on Earth and the descend of our galactic friends. Much of it resonated with me since I was a long-term believer in the “Moment of Quantum Awakening”, called the “Shift of the Ages”, at the end of 2012.

In April 2012 when Cobra came out with his blog as the “Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light” I found his intel very uplifting. I loved the idea that there has been a secret Resistance Movement at work to liberate the human family from its bondage. However, after my experience of the Lemurian Pilot Council I was alert and skeptical.
Then in the spring of 2012 several whistleblowers stepped forward who spread intel about the upcoming mass arrests of the dark cabal. When none of the announcements of 'green light' came to pass, the whistleblowers blamed each other as being paid Internet shills or CIA double agents. The people realized that much of the intel was intentionally spread disinfo, without the warning label “use your own discernment.”

Please note that now, two years later, the Dinar revaluation issue is still going on, playing people's emotions like an instrument. It is about intentionally creating false hope and 'learned yearning' for something magical to happen. Yet false hope is toxic hope. It keeps us from living in the now moment. It prevents each of us from being connected to Source.

After December 21st of 2012 new announcement dates for the Shift kept coming. To me 2013 felt like a repetition of 2012, even though throughout the year the energy had been building up tremendously.
At the beginning of 2014 Cobra announced that the Event is going to happen between now and 2025.
Well, no more waiting for Godot...
By now one hour of reading the headlines is enough time spent online. To me, going outside and connecting with Nature is now more desirable. With my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds I'll let the Event surprise me! (smile)

Last summer I participated in a seminar with Robert Potter and Andrew Bartzis, the Galactic Historian.
It inspired me to start creating my Personal Declaration of Sovereignty, as my I.D as a Universal Citizen.

I'm going to post my Personal Declaration of Sovereignty as Part 3 of this article.
Dear Reader, feel free to use it as a template to copy and paste resonant paragraphs to create your own Personal Declaration of Sovereignty. Each individual's Declaration should be custom-made, for it is your compass, your reminder that you are the captain of your ship.

I kept my Declaration 1 ½ pages in length. It is my new I.D for living in the New Earth of 5th dimension. It represents a means to de-couple from the matrix, to vacate the system. I carry it with me, folded to fit inside my wallet.

I intend to read it out loud regularly as a tool of self-empowerment. I am sure I will amend my Personal Declaration of Sovereignty as I go along.

To step into our self-empowerment is one of our greatest challenges. Remember the statement by Marianne Williamson that Nelson Mandela made famous in his inauguration speech:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

In preparation for living in the New Earth Paradigm!
Victory of the Light!
Karin Lacy, Lightworker

Part 2
Lemurian Pilot Council, Mount Shasta, California

Declaration of Sovereignty

The intention of this document is to create clear and sacred space for the birth of a new freedom for all on our home planet Earth.
We the human family have reached the completion of the cycle of the Dark Age within third dimensional density. We are now awakening and ascending into the fifth dimension.

Since we first came to this Earth, our cosmic rulers have put us under the domination and limitation of unseen bargaining agreements, contracts, and other forms of suppression. These range from the birth certificate itself, which is actually a financial instrument that limits free will, to the system of currency dictated by the ruling elite and its government law.

To us awakened humans these agreements and contracts are actually entirely optional and can be nullified by a simple statement such as “ I am sovereign (free) and without my will this system of reality does not exist. I did NOT agree to this and DO NOT agree any longer.”

We no longer wish to abide by the agreements we were required to make when we incarnated on this planet which limit our ability to make sovereign choices.
It is our intent as members of the human family to completely free ourselves of any agreements, influences, or pressures that restrict us in following our highest excitement of living as divine beings on Earth.
We declare ourselves free of the limitations of the past, that is, any pre-incarnational agreements or contracts, structures of governance, and patterns of past conditioning are now null and void.

It is our free will choice to be known only as Universal Citizens of the Multiverse (and as such be integrated and recognized under the citizenship and laws of our host countries and planet, in harmony with the Law of Love and Service to the All.)

We are completely free to travel to and from any and all parts of the Multiverse throughout all of its times and forms at will according to our mutual highest excitement as individuals and creators. We are divine multidimensional beings, our essence is Love. We are bound only by the governing principles of the Singular Universal Creator.

It is our highest excitement to visit Telos and Lemuria.
To do so we first have to become legal citizens of Lemuria. The law of Lemuria requires that the individual has to have his/her Light-Love Quotient resonate at minimum 51% in harmony with Source Energy. Through forming “pods” for mutual support and networking we are working on letting go of our limitations and gradually raising our Light-Love Quotient.

This Declaration of Sovereignty provides us diplomatic asylum to cross international borders, since Lemuria is seen as a sovereign country inside the United States.

This Declaration also provides us with the protection from the “Unified Whole”, the cosmic organization of the White Brotherhood whose influence overrides and supersedes all lesser structures of existence.

Mount Shasta, California, December 2011

Part 3
Karin Lacy – www.KarinLLightworker.com
January 2014

My Personal Declaration of Sovereignty

My conscious process of awakening began thirty years ago. Since then I intentionally and deliberately followed my path of gaining ever greater awareness of self and to increase my Love-Light Quotient as a Lightworker.
I feel the time is right to formulate my own personal Declaration of Sovereignty as the guiding Light for living in the New Earth of fifth-dimensional frequency. I want to share it with others who are also creating a new paradigm of living in Unity Consciousness on Earth.

As an awakened human I am informed about the existence of the Galactic Confederation and its Galactic Codex which regulates all relationships between beings of Light and the Dark Forces. The Galactic Codex represents the ethical basis for all actions of the Galactic Confederation. On Earth the Galactic Codex is violated by the Dark Forces who have been taking the global population hostage to hinder the progress of the Forces of Light towards a harmonious galactic and cosmic society.

The Galactic Codex states each individual's unconditional right to positive life experience, abundance, and well-being. It also states the right of each individual to all information that one may need in order to understand ones role in the universe, the greater perspective of evolution and all other information one may need for ones decisions, growth and well-being.

Unconditional positive life experience of every sentient being in this liberated universe is guaranteed through the inner connection of every living being with the Source.
I accept the Galactic Codex through my choice of free will, for it reflects my inner truth.

The intention of my personal Declaration of Sovereignty is to contribute in creating clear and sacred space for the birth of a new freedom for all on our home planet Earth. We the human family have reached the completion of the cycle of the Dark Age within third dimensional density. We are now awakening and ascending into the fifth dimension.

Since we first came to this Earth, our cosmic rulers have put us under the domination and limitation of unseen bargaining agreements, contracts, and other forms of suppression. These range from the birth certificate itself - which is actually a financial instrument of energy harvesting that limits free will - to the system of currency dictated by the global ruling elite and its government law.

As an awakened human I now know that these agreements and contracts are actually entirely optional and I now nullify them by my simple statement: “ I am sovereign and without my will this system of reality does not exist. I did NOT agree to this and DO NOT agree any longer.”

I am a Sovereign and no longer abide by the agreements I were required to make when I incarnated on this planet, for they limit my ability to make sovereign choices.
It is my intent as a member of the human family to completely free myself of any agreements, influences, or pressures that restrict me in following my highest excitement of living as a divine being on Earth.
I declare myself free from the limitations of the past, that is, any pre-incarnational agreements or contracts, structures of governance, and patterns of past conditioning are now null and void.

I hereby call forth the proper etheric court of equity to hear my decree of contract removal.
I hereby revoke all hidden contracts, past, present, and future, in all dimensions that affect me.
I revoke all contracts with etheric artificial intelligences that use sacred geometry satellite broadcasting systems as a means of psychic monitoring and influencing the human population through the global media networking.
I revoke, remove and dissolve all spiritual contracts that I have with the banking system.
I revoke all fine print within all of my soul contracts, past, present, and future, which deal with any banking system as a 3D-Matrix debt collection or energy harvesting system.

Revocation of Government: I revoke all spiritual contracts with every branch of government, for all of my past, present and future lives. I revoke all inserted fine print in my soul contracts.
I revoke all spiritual contracts hidden within our government's 'exchange for value' -systems.
I hereby revoke all spiritual contracts that enable the government to dominate and control the population. I do not consent to the use of sacred geometry cities, infrastructure, linguistics or artwork for the purpose of domination and control.

My freedom increases with the use of my free will at all time.
I am here to help promote unity consciousness among all sentient beings.

It is my free will choice to be known only as a Sovereign, as a Universal Citizen of the Multiverse. We humans are divine multidimensional beings, our essence is Love. We are bound only by the governing principles of the Singular Universal Creator. We live in harmony with the Law of Love and Service to the All.
And so it is.

I Am Karin Lacy


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