Well... they derailed a potash train this week in Canada. Looks like fertilizer will be a problem. I'm sure there's a plan to make the expendables into fertilizer. I could ask why it is that The Usual Suspects are so highly placed in all of the efforts to destroy humanity, BUT... we all know the answer to that. We know that their plans fail overall. They might be successful in a couple of places where people no longer care about what happens to each other, or... where debts come due, or... where the people preying on everyone else are forced to prey on each other.
Other locations are going to prove more resilient. The truth is, we don't get very far without struggle. When things get too easy and available, people get fat and lazy. Look at the creatures that graze all day. I don't want to knock people for coming to look like what they emulate. However... it seems we have lost some amount of our ability to dream large. Though I do not believe I can change The World, I do believe The World can be changed. It just doesn't happen from a personal perspective. It requires the impersonal perspective.
I can see workers coming with orange cones and those yellow poster boards that indicate a cleanup or a crime scene, and putting them around the guy standing there motionless and in tune with The Cosmos. The yellow signs can say, “Caution, God at work.” Of course... we mostly don't notice The Divine going about his business. Mostly, what we see are the people calling attention to themselves; by their behavior, by the way they are dressed, by the ripples that ALL OF US make flow from our energetic bodies, with everything we set into motion, be it by thought or feeling... or act.
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