About those LG(K-Y)BTQU2S%WD40ZYX-rated-MONKEY POX organ-grinders... in search of a simian hump, LEMME SAY... that this is not a celebration of diversity. It is a celebration of Perversity, in further pursuit of a perpetuating... self-shaming depravity. This is what happens when you hate yourself for living your own truth in a clown car camper without a condom dispenser. Well... if that is only the first paragraph I suggest you get extra batteries for your self-abuse devices.
Why am I even writing this? Because the cannibal army engaged in the destruction of The West gets a whole month (they want to make it every month) and our Veterans get one day. Because they are coming (admittedly) for your children. (Check!) They want new hate crimes, (written in stone) legally constructed by The World's Oldest Victim Industry (Check!), BECAUSE their idea of God, is a theme park designed to emulate “Meet the Feebles.” (Check) Hey! Disney had that mouse. The Feebles got a diseased rabbit.
Before you go and watch that movie, I advise you to read about it... first. Even though it was one of the early works by Peter Jackson, it's not for everyone. I saw it on Maui a long time ago. It cracked me up so much I had to tell people about it, so... I told my co-worker that it was a puppet movie, and... I guess he didn't listen to the rest of what I said. He went and got it to watch with his 12-year-old daughters. It did not go well. This is known as a disclaimer (sort of).
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