The Apocalypse and The Awakening are two of our best friends right now. What the mind of The Enemy of humanity has done... is to mobilize The Stupids into an army of language gamers with no grasp of the language. The greater the perversity, the greater the publicity; the greater it is celebrated. He has stoked the divisions between the colors, but only The Stupid buy into it. This is bad because they cannot be reasoned with. In many cases, they do not even know enough to think. Materialism will do that. It dumbs you down to Cartoon Land.
Many are being launched into adulthood who are not adults. Many cannot read or write above an elementary school level. Children would rather play than go to school. However... what you learn is what helps you get on with life. Still... many people are in school their entire lives and do not learn anything. Life IS an ongoing education... or else. The lessons get more severe in certain directions, especially if milder warnings were not heeded earlier.
What people do not realize is that there is an invisible police force. Angels cover every area of enterprise on the higher planes. When you dial down below a certain level, the angels turn into demons. This one force looks different in The Carnal Mind than it does in The Higher Mind. You are in Heaven or Hell of your own choosing. Sometimes, depending on what got you in The Bad Place, it can be troublesome and difficult to get out of there.
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