At another location, a reader was outraged about the links that follow the posts. He was outraged about other things but I had moved on by that time. I think there's a chance that one of the links might have been about him. I haven't really had any complaints about the links. I have had complaints when I talked about not including them. I go on the waves of my personal Feng Shui... watching... listening... tuning in, to the outside AS WELL AS THE inside.
Those who have come around here over the years... will remember that I used to put the links through the post. Upon reflection, I thought it ruined the flow... if people had to check whatever it was that I was referencing each time. I also knew that there were people who would seldom check the links anyway. So... I was caused to think (grin) that I could put them at the end of the posting, and people could then read them or ignore them. It didn't matter which to me.
This person was also very upset that I watch certain entertainments. I could have sworn that I explained that fairly recently. I am engaged in life. I am not an island. I believe in a joyful exuberance. One never has a problem with pedestrian pursuits, AS... LONG... AS... ONE... REMAINS... detached. As long as one understands Catch and Release.
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