Here is the article link, I guess its info from Charlie Ward, who is full of shit on this one.
In my opinion lets use the sanctioned pure Christ teachings to put Charlie Ward in his place.
First of all Jesus, which is not his real name, is the incarnation of Christ Micheal of Nebadon (univeral life carrier) who is one of the 199 ovarian splits of the only begotten son Christ.
Christ Micheal is going to re-incarnate around 2040 - 2060 when the new land rises out of the pacific. One would think the return of Lemuria/ MU but that has spiraled out to the other rings.
So technically the supposed one re-incarnating that they are calling Jesus, is a lie, because Christ Micheal of Nebadon, who is already a ovarian split from Christ, is the one who incarnated as "Jesus". So if Jesus returns, then it would have to be Christ Micheal of Nebadon re-incarnating.
And for those who don't know re-incarnation is real and no its not the evil ones doing it, its actually done by rules of Creation (14th dimension down) 15th - 18th is non-materialized, incarnation and re-incarnation is how work in creation gets done.
Re-incarnation just means you are incarnating again into the same cubistic environment as your last incarnation, usually to finish clearing nplus static conditions, before moving onto another experience elsewhere or there is work to do for Creation.
Charlie Ward is what is known as a False prophet, just like 90% of the people who channel entities, and 90% of those entities are not good per se, they all have an agenda.
One way to tell difference of a lesser dimensional (4th) is that 5th dimensional are not chatty, they are to the point nothing more, the reason why they are not chatty is because there is no ego. Ego is chatty, inner self is not its to the point nothing more nothing less..
Its best for people to pay attention and take seriously the pure Christ teaching available as they will annihilate all these false
Remember Creation is done by rule and there is tenants of reality that are followed as well as they are part of the governing rules. Nothing exists outside of these rules, NOTHING.
Everything we see today and everything that will ever be is within those rules, or it wouldn't exist.
Could some other ovarian split of the only begotten son do what is being said, possibly.
If anybody wants to know the real reason for the return, its because they are supposed to bring in the 5th dimensional language, 5th D language is all in symbols,letters and numbers.
So the Picean Christ "Jesus" was going around and teaching pure Christ teachings, he was literally teaching what is found in here: https://revelatorium.com/ and some of what is found in the Gnostic. He was also the beta test for the human body that could handle full 5th transfiguration and it did.
The Age of Aquarius lasts 2000 years, and we have 2000 years to get to the 5th, all this talk about its happening now is a partial lie.
So when you can see in 25000 year dispensation cycles, like the 5ths can then one dispensation of 2000 years is what they call NOW.
Does it happen in the Age of Aquarius of course it is done so by rule, Leo is Solar Law, Aquarius brings Galactic Law and massive knowledge.
Don't be rushed by all these 4th D posing as 5th's, preaching do this do that.
Just like them talking about the Great Earth changes. Well first all these channeled entities promote the lie of globe earth, a 5th dimensional would tell you exactly what Earth is, a torroidal realm not a celestial sphere.
Secondly they would inform you that Earth changes are linked to astrophysics and our consciousness as long as we remain in dominion (custodian of).
A pole shift can happen with out anybody noticing, land masses can rise and fall with no tsunami being made, sun spot and ejections, etc, etc all are effected by our consciousness.
Here is one for everybody to make you think,
So in order for Reality to sustain itself there must be a consciousness observing, so lets say you put a glass on the table then walk away from it and turn your attention else where, technically the glass should dissipate back into its base elements, but it does not, so that means there must be a consciousness observing at all times.
In truth there is multiple consciousness observing, as they are known as background fields. We incarnate into background fields of background fields. Why do they say your never alone, because of the background fields. Alpha and Omega are not over there and you over here, they are the dimensions.
The background fields of Alpha Omega, only begotten son/daughter Christ, Creator son/daughter/paradisaical son/daughter, Christ Micheal of Nebadon, verondek, lanondek, zestra/zestrial (real name of soul atom incarnating as Earth.), etc. all background fields we incarnate into, so yes there is always someone observing, quantum physics has barely even touched the surface of knowing the background fields even exist. %99 of Science looks at the end result and does not account for the reactions and effects of the background fields to get to the end result.
Technically I am here to assist when he re-incarnates, as Peter is the rock on which I build my kingdom. That is very true and the Aquarian Christ is all about Christ consciousness for everyone, the Picean Christ was the one walking around doing teachings.
I reiterate the importance of the sanctioned Pure Christ teachings, it puts the false prophets out of business including those who are anti to Christ.
The Revelatorium Revelations will literally draw yo to it or push you away. Some poeple cant even get past the first line, that is how badly they are congested with neg energy.
No may I remind everybody about the energies, now there is no such thing as "good or bad energies", they are just polarities and they have certain attributes.
There is:
Pplus - Positive charge - Radiant, goes through matter
Nplus - Negative charge - sticky, does not pass through matter.
non-plus - neutral/ non charge - exists in stasis state
and Over-plus - refers to over-charge capacity as well as refers to how all the negative entities got rounded up and placed into Earths incarnation cycle(those who bend their knee to Christ), known as the baby boomer, as well as the excess energies required for the new creation of the 7 new antimatter super universes which Earth is burificaton point.
The 7th Super Universe, where this local universe is, the only one in all of creation that has over-plus situation as well as the Luciferian rebellion and 3d timeline populations.
This is the only local universe in All of creation with these conditions.
PS, the Revelatorium Revelations is the ONLY sanctioned pure Christ teachings for the Aquarian Age that has been chosen to go out to the other worlds as well. This is the first time in all o Creations history that knowledge of Revelatorium Revelations has ever been presented to a 3d population.
Its easy to see when a false prophet or a spiritual bum, uses the Revelatorium Revelations in an attempt at vanity (promoting themselves) without referencing the source for cross-reference.
All these people trying to tell others how Reality and Creation works when they them selves have no idea of the Tenants of reality, nor the inescapable rules that are in play with Creation.
Its all most like they are trying to repeat the event that happened with Planetary Prince Caligastia, when he raised a 3rd of the Ademics into the 5th before they were ready and it caused untold chaos. At that time although they were still dealing with man and not higher developed hu-man.
Many blessings,
Will serving Creation