There are conditions you can't change; rich vs poor... disease, old age... and death. The ones in whom death is mastered are very few, and... you have to meet the requirements to accomplish it. The Philosopher's Stone... The Pearl of Great Price, the elixirs of immortality and perfect health... cosmic rejuvenation... Oh!!! I assure you they exist. Heh heh. How bad do you want it? The truth is that most of us; a very large amount of us, never even look. Priceless fortunes hide in abandoned fields, BUT... do you even know what that is? Could you recognize it?
You can be possessed in more than one way, but... let us consider the basic divider. We are all familiar with being possessed by Demons. It is seldom mentioned that you can be possessed by angels. That is how all of the great art (no longer permitted exposure in these times) came into manifestation. Whether it be heard or seen or however experienced... it is the fruit, the offspring of divine possession. It is a creative fever descending from within/above. It is the progeny of a divine flame that quickens the human spirit.
We mentioned Kahlil Gibran yesterday. I once lived with Father Francis atop Mead Mountain, in Woodstock, NY. He was an archbishop of the Old Catholic Church; a New York celebrity priest who mucked about with The Vanderbilt family and others. He walked away from that life and built a church, mostly by himself, near the top of the mountain.
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