The masks were a prelude to people being able to wear them at all times... so that criminals could have more cover. Like stagecoach bandits. It gives Antifa all kinds of face concealment, during their nihilistic and criminal enterprises. Antifa is shock troops for the New World Order, The International Bankers, and The Globalists, who want to bring Kafka's Prison and Orwell's Farm to Earth. Some of us have known about them for a long time. Meanwhile... it's ALWAYS the same insane passion to control The World, which... they... NEVER... DO. The Earth is a sacred vessel!
The people behind all the negative shit that is happening, want a breakdown in the social order. The specter of war, food shortages, the killer vaccines, and all the other woo-woo that is going on, is part of a calculated effort to create an environment for revolution. This is all orchestrated... but let me point out the MOST IMPORTANT feature of it all, so... you don't have to feel like you need to choose sides. God is at midmost and in surround-sound of The Good and Seeming Evil FOR... I say, FOR... The Purpose of Demonstration. This is one serious reason to have faith, and why things always work out over time. Shitstorms happen. Try not to be where they happen. Seek not to generate them.
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