On or about 701 BC an event occurred that rendered all existing calendars of that period nonfunctional. If you wish to know more go to https://creationism.org/patten/PattenMarsEarthWars/index.htm and read.
In short the Earth's orbit was changed from 360 days to 365.X days.
The squabble over a new calendar lasted until the current one was finally accepted by commerce. (It had nothing to do with seasons or farming. Anyone can put a tall stick in the ground and mark the tip of the shadow until it comes around. That's a year. Problem solved.)
Commerce - is - contracts. Contracts are defined by time. There must be a uniform definition of time or commerce fails. The present calendar is that uniform definition of time.
Current time is private property. To think otherwise is exactly what you are supposed to do.
It's not the penalty for failure to fulfill condition of contract that hangs you, it's the fact that you have used private time and subjected yourself to obligation to enter contracts, if you wish to live.
If you start at 701 BC using 360 day years the current date would be about 2060 and not 2022. When you use a federal reserve note (aka dollar) you tacitly agree to terms and conditions of use. When you define things, including yourself, by the current calendar you tacitly agree to terms and conditions of use. And yes, this is fraud, but in a commercial/maritime administrative setting (aka court) ignorance of the law is no excuse. You are expected to know that your life is lived on their time and that they therefore own your life as a condition of you living.
Their private time is the result of criminal action (unauthorized changing of a planetary orbit) therefore when you define yourself by private time you define yourself as criminal by participation in crime. Criminal is your legal status from the moment of your conception relative to Ship of State because your conception is defined by private time.
An example of private time.
No one is in sight for a mile in all directions. You ease past the stop sign without making a full stop. A citation is issued for failure to fulfill condition of drivers license (contract). You fail to appear because there is no willful damage to another and so no crime under legitimate American law (safe and prudent). A warrant for your execution is issued in traffic (maritime) court. You resist apprehension under color of law. You are executed on the spot. Law enforcement suffers no liability for your execution because you have tacitly agreed to execution by using private time. You have agreed to condition of private time by entering multiple contracts. You have agreed to define yourself as criminal with no right to live apart from their grace.
I am sure that experts will disparage this simple and obvious root of the problem of our existence as slaves of commerce under maritime law and contract because it doesn't require years of intense study of insane complexities.
I am equally sure that most people and experts will choke on the thought that the orbits of planets can be changed at will by those who know how to do it. Everyone knows that mankind, on this little planet, is the single most advanced species in the never ending universe and we can't move planets so it is therefore impossible to do so.
Another example.
New Study Explains Huge Predatory Dinosaurs’ ‘Massive’ Skulls and Tiny Arms , at https://sputniknews.com/20220708/new-study-explains-huge-predatory-dinosaurs-massive-skulls-and-tiny-arms---1097111351.html
This dinosaur has no teeth for slicing or chewing. It must therefore swallow small game whole or rip chunks of flesh and bone and gristle from larger game. Ripped stuff gets stuck between the teeth. If stuff stays between the teeth the dinosaur dies. Little front legs are tooth picks.
Experts look a dinosaur in the mouth and miss what it eats.