The World has progressions that it passes through. War is one of them. So is Fat City, and... every different kind of Famine, by turns. It comes and goes, and... whaddya know? So... do... you. If you look at the perishability of all forms that rise out of the constancy of The Singularity... if you are any kind of a student of history or... even if you learn as you go... you should soon see that The Circus Existence is not for you. I'm like that.
I'm not into high wire acts or the public taming of beasts with no love lost. At a certain level of perception, Fame and Fortune are a tremendous allurement. They come with mesmerizing vapors. Then you see. They are not what they make out to be. It... is... all... a... sham. It's also a party house with metered parking. I don't like my odds when I see what they have done to everyone else. Sometimes recognition is forced on you from birth, but... there are very few like King Janaka or The Lord Buddha.
Some prefer the course of less recognition. Remember when we brought up Shakespeare and they still don't know who he was, and how Jesus Christ was the same? A very high initiate stepped in to play this cosmic role of Avatar. It could have been Apollonius of Tyana. Obviously, the Initiatic Brotherhood was deeply involved in that, BUT... there CERTAINLY was such a character. Look at the architecture and the art. Some kind of POWERFUL faith and love propelled all of that.
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