Hello readers,
This is a response posted on Op Disclosure about the article
This article can also be seen on RMN here: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=205959
Below is the response:
I was in direct contact with Elon Musk for a while during the 1990s, by email. He had had thousands of Tesla electric cars mass-produced in Canada which were intended to eventually contain the circuit in this link:
The Tesla vehicles that Elon Musk built in the 1990s were were constructed containing Super Capacitors, rather than batteries, which means they can be charged in a fraction of the time it would take to recharge batteries.
Super Capacitors are based on Titanium dioxide (Ti O2) which is a non-hazardous substance which happens to be the 2nd best electrical insulator known to man. So no poisons need to be ameliorated if Super Capacitors end up in a land fill somewhere.
TiO2 is non-toxic to multi-celled life-forms on this planet. TiO2 is almost inert, chemically. TiO2 is harmful to one-celled creatures, as it interferes with their metabolism.
I designed a Super Capacitor before I contacted Elon Musk. His previous research results directly confirmed that my design would work.
Elon planned to install the ZPE circuit above into Tesla cars, after hundreds of thousands had been purchased, so that with the installed circuit, they would never need charging (self-charging) unless extreme miles had been put on the car in one long non-stop trip. Then they would need to be plugged in for a fraction of an hour to charge up the Super Capacitor.
The fuel cartels made him take the first version of the Tesla car off the market and forbade him from using Super Capacitors in the Tesla, and forbade him from installing the circuit inferred above, which makes Tesla vehicles self-charging, by extracting energy from the aether, constantly.
When all those restrictions happened Elon Musk got bent out of shape and stopped talking to me. (Nice while it lasted. He is interesting.) Probably his or my emails, or both, were being monitored. And somebody didn’t like the way things were going.
The entire planet paid the price for someones’ monopolistic preferences. (Which is probably why Musk said last year that monopolies are bad.)
Later on, Elon Musk designed a house which was to be constructed using Super Capacitors for electrical storage. He was prevented from using Super Capacitors in his housing designs.
See: https://www.nexusnewsfeed.com/article/self-sufficiency/elon-musk-s-new-10k-houses-hit-the-market
Personal Note: If only I had some Titanium oxide super caps and yes the medium in which the energy goes into will determine how good the "tuning" is, like the 5v power pack I was talking about in the article, also add another day onto the total of not needing to charge 72 days -> 73.
Also been working on a nano-silver aqueous super capacitor, its coming along.
Also forgot to mention in the article is that today am hooking the device up to my main panel in the house, the only thing I need to hook it up to is the outside screw on the panel and the effects will transfer. time for some massive reduction in energy usage, without reducing energy usage, with the other benefits of course, will update later..:)
If this sparks your interest, please message me using the email above.