The World is awash in a form of viral de Clerambault Syndrome. It's seriously contagious and is transmitted through Social Media and cellphone resonance. The Dark Conning Towers are broadcasting it night and day... to set the stage for The Anti-Christ, The False Prophet(s), and Beavis and Butthead as The Gemini Twins. In this case, it's not a matter of Good And Bad; more like Dumb and Dumber and subterranean Limbo bars. Leeeembo!!!
It is a peculiar trick of The Mind. I KNOW that Everything is Under Control, BUT... The Mind keeps working to confuse my certitude and create doubt about that for which there can be no doubt. The rollercoaster is not going to go off the rails coming down from the high point of The Twist, BUT... the thrill of The Possibility... adds the edge to the excitement. Why should that excite anyone? There... there is a mystery that deserves inquiry.
The endless panoramas of The Undiscovered Self are a replicating wonderland of revelation, yet... The Mind is tuned to the externals. That is the hypnotic pull of Material Culture; “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!” The Senses are so very much like horses, and... easily as powerful. They pull the chariot of your being, and... without a triumph in The Mind; without a stilling of The Reactive Mind, you'll not control them with the reins for long. The reins are an extension of The Mind.
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