I'm guessing it had been the slow attrition of... wearing away of... interest on my part that has brought the truth of the matter to me. I might count in the spiritual austerities as well, but the fact is that Woman represents the manifest world and the replication of it, as well as The Gateway to Eternal Life. She is... in fact... everything external to us, and... much that is internal as well. She is Nature in its elemental state, AND... Nature adapted to the fabrications of Culture... she is... also, The Queen of Heaven.
So it is that there are two separate worlds that exist in parallel to one another. In one, The Feminine Principle is represented by The Divine Mother. This world exists in The Mind of Childhood, and in the mind of those with some amount of regenerated innocence. The other world is The Carnal Circus with the acrobats, both clumsy and skilled... there are few of the latter. Each of them dances with different expressions of her... here, and... meets a different expression of her on their departure.
This is not an anti-sex polemic. This is a recognition of two separate worlds operating side-by-side. It has to do with The Quality and Focus of Desire. One set of residents knows about both of these worlds. The other knows only about the one they inhabit. The World of the manifest is a Vampire Feeding Ground, where the blood that is drained is composed of sexual fluids. All sexual activity directed at carnal union, is a Vitality Depletion Zone. Eventually, you become like one of those desiccated specimens you see in an abandoned web.
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