Hello readers,
Still revovering from a heavy, heavy attack by both seen and unseen neg forces, attacks subsiding but the night of Sept 2 to morning of Sept 3, from about 11:30ishpm sept 2 to 1:30am sept 3.
Was out in shop working on Principal 3 (IED) ZPE and was finishing fist stabilization unit for it, when major attack by obviously a powerful demon came in,
The pure Christ teaching knowledge saved my ass, because the one thing it said immediately made me recognize it was a demon.
After expelling it from my mind, it was still in the shop, then I prayed to Alpha,Omega, Only begotten son/daughter Christ, Christ Micheal of nebadon and archangel Micheal to help.
I was literally pushed/ushered out of the shop and into the house
attempts were made to go back out into the shop from between 12 and 1:30 but the farthest I was able to go was a few steps from the door, because my stomach would crunch up so tight it almost put me to my knees, the type of crunch up it does as part of a "if you go any further imminent danger to life" style.
There was actually 4 negative entities (physical) just outside of the light on all sides except behind me where the low level light was and the door.
I could recognize 4-5 different vocal patterns, one was a "ollag, oolag" sounding one, the other one back by the trailer was whispering, the other one to the left of it was clicking noises and the one to the immediate left hiding behind the tarped wall was low mumbling, almost sounded like Sumerian or atlantian.
So after my gut wrenching like that I went back into the house, then was stacked on by unseen negatives, there must of been a lot of them and some powerful ones.
was going back and fourth to the outside door, would unlock it stand there then close, lock it, There was literally something trying to drag me out there and something was pushing me back in.
At one point I nearly was dragged across the floor of my basement, but it wasn't able to totally get me off my feet thanks to pure Christ teaching knowledge, which taught " Christ Micheal of nebadon, gave us his x,y,z comforters which allow us to stand nose to nose with any 4th d entity and they will have a hard time taking or possessing, unless we allow it." which I did not allow.
One point standing at the door I heard something say "come out and be one of us", but there was definatly a negative evil sensing to what it was saying.
Wasn't able to get back out into the shop till about 1:30am Sept 3, when there was a brief period so I could go and deactivate the stabilization circuit, was worried it might catch fire if nothing was hooked to the other end, it was right in the middle of being tested when this event happened.
only was out there a couple minutes then was ushered back into house, on way back in heard the oolag, oolag, entity up by the front lawn and it was sitting there making that noise, when it tried to scoop my one cat, well that didn't go to well for it as she knows how to fight and has razor sharp claws, I heard her growl, the thing scream in pain and ran off.
So maybe the giant demon that smacked into the sun seen here in the Q post
was the one that attacked me and was "evicted".
There must of been one hell of a battle going on in the shop.
Been clearing and recovering from the event the "seen's" are still lurking around the property at night, as soon as it gets dark its like I get pushed into the house.
Obviously its known why they attacked at that specific moment and the White Hats know why too, especially now with this added info.
The thing with TT and TT's is that sometimes it can make things interesting, defiantly fun though.
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many blessings,
Will serving Creation