It is not a pleasure for me to speak about what I am going to speak about today. I hope I am wrong. Appearances tell me I am not; however... appearances are a lie. I am speaking (writing) from, and about... more than appearances.
The pressure to not only legitimize... not only celebrate Evil... but also press to suppress all dissenting perspectives, is so powerful it is most certainly being managed from the invisible by supernatural means. Depravity is the objective of the sponsors of the gay marriage act, passed by The Bathhouse President. SINCE... THAT... TIME, Normality has been under siege. The transgender hysteria is pumped up past the red line and a new wave of transsexual psychopaths is loosed upon the public.
It has infiltrated the education system. It has reached high levels in government. It is yet one more of the tenets now of the feckless, and thoroughly corrupt United Nations. It runs corporate policy. It has completely compromised the medical community that... PALPABLY... does not know its ass from a hole in the ground. It has transformed religion into flamingos being sodomized... while bobbing on a drinking glass. If you can't see it at this point, you... do... not... want... to... see... it.
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