As we noted recently, God is in total stillness. His ceaseless meditation upon existence is what keeps it in place. The Divine Mother is who institutes change, who is the source, the medium, and the outcome of all action. God is The Witness and he watches The Divine Feminine dance.
You might ask... if God is still how does he appear as The Avatar or show up in the hearts and minds of those who serve him? It's things like this that can cause seeming contradictions in the commentaries of ANYONE for... those... looking... for... them. People who like to argue, will... find... the... way... to.
First off, God... and his essence and powers... are FAR beyond the comprehension of the human mind OR... any mind but The Mind of God for... that... matter. He can do anything. There is no limit to his power. He can see with his eyes closed and in every direction at the same time; not only what is happening everywhere, but what has happened and what will happen. He is able to see through ANY eye... hear through every ear... touch with every hand... smell with any nose, and... taste with every tongue.
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