All of the madness of sexual perversity comes out of the Obama Gay Marriage Act (or whatever it's called). Everything you are seeing or hearing about is piggy-backed on this, including the MANUFACTURED transgender-hysteria nonsense. It gave liberty to license. It opened the Gates of Hell, and... one can see this in living color, wherever such kindred spirits meet and celebrate their inclusivity, AND... the celebration of... ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
If it's dark and dank... and is trailed by creatures of nightmare and incurable STDs, it's one of the progenies of The Dark Side of Human Nature, birthed daily into ever more dreadful forms. It's the night-feeding of ghouls made into puppets for Sesame Street. The intention of a twisted sexuality as... the... norm... is the eradication of all that is normal, and the certitude that SCIENCE will make anything possible in their laboratories, AND... there will be no further need for heterosexuality. They will grow themselves in a vat, like in the below-ground foundries of Isengard.
The freaks will make their own Frankensteinian woman out of themselves. There will no longer be any need for woman as we formerly understood the term. Their lab-born monsters will do nothing but abort as a celebration of life itself through the ritual ending of life. If you cannot see that this is the intent of the TRANS-humanists then you are very... very... very stupid OR working to make it happen; possibly both.
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