Ukraine is the NUMBER ONE sexual surrogacy zone, in... It is also the number one underage porno nexus. It is a main stop on The Sex Traffic, Silk Road. It's the place for corruption of ANY KIND at ANY TIME you want it. It's the Burger Kink of Depravity for having it your way. It is The One Stop Shop for Weimar Republic zombie attire. It has long been the premier location for an accident waiting to happen. It's where Chernobyl got its start.
It was the hotspot for all viral research of the weaponized variety. It's the It-Girl when she is a vampire queen. It's Israel's idea of The New Frontier, now that they have manifested a unified hatred among all of their neighbors in The Middle East. Their days are numbered in hijacked Palestine. They never came from there in the first place, they... only... said... they... did. Not a drop of Semitic DNA do they possess. They came from Khazaria in The Ukraine as The AshkeNAZI'S of King Bulan and EVEN... recorded history. This is provable fact.
We don't say things we can't prove OR... that you can disprove. You see... sometimes there are enduring arguments about things you cannot see with the physical eye. People say it's there, even though they can't see it, AND... others say it isn't there even though they can't see it. I have other eyes to see with. These eyes have gone vestigial in nearly everyone, because... they... stopped... using... them.
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