“If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize.” Kanye just got a life lesson, though it appears he already knows. I am 'feeling” that this has all been set up ahead of time by people in the background. We shall see how this develops. Will The Yeester knuckle under and grovel before the Stool Sculpture Deity OR... will he confront The Central Banker stranglehold on the appearances of material life? Stay tuned, and... spatially aware of your surroundings.
Yes... the panorama of the sensory bandwidth is humming with confusion... apprehension... and justified paranoia. One of the contenders for the role of Anti-Christ just got appointed Prime Minister of The UK. ZATO is planning a nuclear winter in Ukraine. The Howling Sodomites are assailing The Culture... and demanding the imprimatur of Normalcy. It is a twisted sexuality that is at the core of all the injuries presently being visited upon Humanity.
A greater understanding of the pervasive nature of The Sexual Force is needed... in order to comprehend its impact on Life... near and far. EVERYTHING is the result of some form of sexual intercourse, whether it takes place in your mind... your emotions... your body... OR ANYWHERE at every level outside of The Divine Singularity of God. God contains the possibilities of all things within the being of God... and exists in a state of absolute unity. God divides in order to facilitate creation, and... all things are brought into being by the process of ADAPTATION.
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