There is always more to people than meets the eye, though... The Intuition can be flawless. When someone becomes a big cheese in The World OR becomes the richest man in The World, AND when that richest man buys the virtual town square. There's more to the story. When that man calls in the ADL and other Satanic organizations to advise him on what the rules should be for... Freedom of Speech... there is DEFINITELY more to the story. Then... when that same man comes out on Halloween with Baphomet on his Hell armor and an upside-down cross, he's not just being edgy and cool; there's more to the story.
When he's making cars that lack a consistent power source and screwing people over battery replacement, there's more to the story. When he's one of the main proponents of Trans-Humanism, the new-age atheism of people that look into the future with no regard for the past... there is definitely more to the story... and he skates by so fine... and nothing can tarnish him... and there's more to the story.
The richest men in The World have more money now than most countries. The money they use is printed out of thin air and is backed by the credibility and ignorance of those taken to the cleaners in the process. Whenever you can get a whole lot of people to believe in a system... or promises for the future... or Banker Wars for banker profit, sold as a virtuous necessity... or a bridge and tunnel lottery by way of Ponzi... whatever... it... is... becomes real for the people that believe in it. It doesn't really become real. It becomes real... in... their... heads.
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