There is a class of creature known as psychopath. Completely dangerous. Completely unsavable.
There is another, larger class known as sociopath. Also completely dangerous. Also completely unsavable.
Estimates vary but evidence would suggest that these two classes constitute somewhere between low single digits up to possibly ten percent or thereabouts of the population.
The above is on the ground fact. Not subject to debate or superstitious wishful thinking.
These creatures are completely unmanageable. Your gods cannot save these creatures. Your devils do not want these creatures.
But somehow you have decided that you are greater than your gods and more adept than your devils and that you will forgive that which even your gods and devils cannot deal with! You will forgive that which cannot be forgiven!
That's just too silly to even laugh at.
You have already lost the contest. They took it all and you never saw it happen. You cannot afford to see it happen because you would have to admit that your gods were powerless to stop it and that your devils did not do it, so you can't blame them.
You lost it.
They own you.
You cannot try them. They won't let you.
You cannot jail them. They won't let you.
You cannot execute them for their acts of horror and murders. They won't let you.
You cannot even see them, unless they make jest and let you.
When you accuse them they will tell you to forgive and let live, and you will obey the spell.
You had your chance to stand but you prostrated yourself at their feet in the name of some useless god or some devil presenting itself as an angel of light or some horseshit philosophy of peace through cognitive dissonance. You dared not risk sin or negative karma or getting your hands dirty. I understand all of that. And I also understand that you shirked adult responsibility. That comes with consequences.
I hereby charge you, in the court of Nature and to the face of Nature's god, with aiding and abetting diminishment of criminal charge against persons and parties who, with full knowledge and consent, did commit murder and hardship and crippling under color of pandemic and who did commit additional murders and cripplings under pretense of medical intervention for healing. To forgive debt is to remove debt, therefore when you act to forgive criminal debt you effectively act to remove criminal debt and penalty without regard to due process of the laws of this American republic. You are aiding and abetting the heinous crimes that you purport to detest. You therefore assume responsibility for those crimes. You make yourself a mortal enemy to myself, to those whom I care about and to every person in this American republic, even yourself.
You will say that his charge is of no consequence, but nothing is further from the truth. This republic, this constitution is founded on Natures jurisdiction and Natures laws and ordered by Natures god. (Perspective: The alpha and the omega exist within Nature and cannot exist apart from Nature. You can rail at that all you want to but your gods and devils know that it's true. They know that they are subject to he laws of the land on American soil.) The charge stands.
Forgiveness is not a feel good toy. It is a powerful tool to be considered carefully. It sets things in motion even when children play with it. I don't expect you to understand that. I don't expect you to see just how dangerous your irresponsible behavior is to yourself and to others. I don't expect you to understand why others would be upset with you for willy-nilly discharging the criminal debt of incorrigible murderers.
I do not expect you to understand that you are not a part of the problem, you are -the- problem.