For many years now. I have been reading the completely fabricated news, the mostly fabricated news, and the slightly fabricated news. In this, I also include religious and metaphysical writings. I've found some sources to be full of shit, and some less so. I ALMOST NEVER find something I believe to be as true as can be put into words, and... even... then... there are sometimes 20 or more versions via translations, like... The Way of Life... The Bhagavad Gita... The New Testament... sometimes the problem is me... too; if I should be conflicted in my mind about something... or other. (grin)
Mr. Apocalypse and The Awakening are very real. The recent FTX scandal... which I will try to put at the bottom of the posting... is a good example, and yet more from The Usual Suspects. How come IT... IS... ALWAYS... THE... SAME... SCOUNDRELS? Well... there is no more playing Wack a Mole by the reavers and deceivers. There are not enough fingers and too many holes in The Dike. That dike has been a wall of ignorance that has kept the Hive Mind stupid and The World on Uneasy Street.
It's all coming by diver's means and in ways inexplicable to the ones involved. Consider the Paul Pelosi Midnight Hammerthon. I can see them on electric skateboards in bright, neon taffeta tutus doing wheelies in the kitchen, over by the ice cream freezer. It's a big kitchen. It's a new twist on, “nothing to see here. Move along now.”
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