All manifest life comes from The Sun. We are composed of elements of The Sun, and we are fed, directly and indirectly by The Sun. If we are truly fortunate, AND deserving... we go to The Sun when we pass from here. Otherwise... and... as it is in most cases, we go to the wardrobe department of The Moon upon departure OR... to a place of penance if... so... required... by the soul involved.
In very rare instances, one proceeds further on into the lightning... whose flash indicates The Presence of God. One might then move directly to Brahmaloka. Of course... each tradition will experience these features in a manner consistent with their esoteric teachings. Good luck finding any physical evidence of these. They are revealed and transmitted through The Intuition.
Keep in mind that EVERYTHING you encounter on The Manifest Plane... is a reflection of their prototypes on The Higher Planes. Everything you see here, came into form through the process of precipitation, AND... in nearly every case... something gets lost in the transition/translation. This is how there come to be arguments between the teachings of different traditions that, are... ALL... based... on... the... same... thing.
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