There is a tumbleweed lodged in the mouth of an old washing machine. It's laying on its side and the wind howls through it... making as many variations on a single note as The Wind is capable of doing, and... I am recognizing... as I stand a short distance off... that all sound and form appears from the variation of a single note OR... adaptation if you prefer. This is The Graveyard of Material Empires; shit breaks and someone throws it away.
In Italy, they make landfills into small mountains and then plant grass over them. You see them as you drive the main thruway from North to South. A few years before I got there, it was an Italian tradition to offload your broken appliances lakeside... wherever a lake could be found. No one went to the lakes for any other reason. It was also 'a thing' to simply pull to the side of the road and roll whatever it was over the side (if there was a side). Archaeologists would have had a field day...
All over The World, garbage is a big deal. Until recently, and it is... no doubt... still going on, we packed up enormous freighters with the refuse of a disposable culture and sent it off to The 3rd World.
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