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Do you get the feeling that we are being played for fools by the current conservative alternative media stars?

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Saturday, 26-November-2022 23:15:33

Do you get the feeling that we are being played for fools by the current conservative alternative media stars?

I just finished listening to one of Derek Johnson’s podcasts and I had to write a response to Derek and to all of the denizens of the alternative media who are basically telling us the same thing as Derek. Derek and Juan and Dave (X22) and SGAnon, you name them, keep telling us that: 1. Donald Trump and an element within the US military are essentially in complete control of everything that is going on in the United States; 2. that the Deep State that to us citizens seems to actually be in complete control of everything going on in the United States, is in a state of collapse; 3. that the only thing stopping Donald Trump and the US military from restoring the Republic is the fact that the people of country aren’t convinced that there is anything wrong with the USA, and they don’t want to do anything to actually correct the situation until some specific, very high percentage of the people agree with them that there is something wrong with the USA; and, 4. that we common citizens who are just trying to live our lives out here, trying to raise our families, make a living, etc. while our country is being systematically destroyed right before our eyes are insolent, impatient, unappreciative souls who must be held in contempt because we don’t understand, don’t appreciate The Plan and the brave warriors who are waging this third, fourth, and fifth generation war in our behalf and to our benefit.

Derek Johnson constantly berates those of us who are not veterans for not understanding the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the laws of war and for disrespecting anybody who has served…we’re just not worthy of our own thoughts and emotions because we don’t get US code this and US code that and we never read this or that executive order that Trump signed. We’re just stupid and ignorant according to Derek and we don’t deserve all the great things that Trump and the military are doing for us right now to right the ship!

And how about our friend Juan O Savin…haven’t heard anything from him since he said that something really huge was going to happen right around October 29 that would possibly lead to the mid-terms being called off and a chain of events ensue that would bring down the cabal controlling the USA. Its November 26 and the mid-terms were largely stolen by the cabal, the Biden regime just announced that they were appointing a special counsel to put Trump away for good, and the Deep State seems to be going along their merry way destroying what is left of our Constitution. Juan kept telling us that Trump refused to invoke the Insurrection Act over the 2020 election because he was afraid that a civil war would result from that action and what do we have now? A civil war that the people of the United States are definitely losing…but we should get our popcorn and enjoy the show! And by the way, if we don’t enjoy the show we are insolent, impatient, unappreciative souls who don’t understand anything and ultimately don’t deserve all the great things that Trump and the military are doing for us right now to right the ship!! Sound familiar?

Dave at X22 has been telling us forever that Trump and the patriots are in complete control!! No matter what befalls the country, its part of The Plan!! We the people have to be brought to the precipice via national disaster after national disaster before we can understand how awful the country’s situation is under the regime and anything can be done to save us!! Dave echoes Juan who keeps saying that the USA has to have a “near death experience” before anything can be done to fix the situation by those in a position to do anything substantive to fix the situation. Dave doesn’t seem to have as much contempt for us peasants suffering through this national nightmare as Juan and Derek do…I really think that Dave is a good guy who has just latched onto an idea and can’t let go of it no matter how great the evidence to the contrary.

Then there is SGAnon whose monotone disquisitions reassuring us that the military is in total control of the situation are meant to mollify us and give us great hope that soon all will be good again. SGAnon sounds like a CIA psyop to me repeating a theme that we have heard over and over on our side…stay calm, don’t get in trouble, lay low, let this play out and everything will be alright…let them show everyone how horrible and evil they really are…let them destroy the country so everyone can see the truth then we’ll show ‘em! Sounds like a plan to me…a plan leading to the end of the USA.

Just like with Derek and Juan and Dave, I want to believe SGAnon but there is one problem…there is no evidence. All that we the people see is a rogue government that is systematically destroying the rule of law, causing chaos in our society, undermining our culture, taking political prisoners, destroying our currency and our economy, eviscerating our military, allowing and aiding a full scale invasion of the country across our southern border…you name it, the place is going to hell in a hand basket and yet these guys keep saying it’s all good, we’ve got the situation totally in hand. Again, it’s get your popcorn and enjoy the show! Well, there’s a whole bunch of us that ran out of popcorn a long time ago and we are definitely not enjoying the show…and we particularly don’t enjoy being called insolent, ungrateful, unappreciative dolts as you constantly do to us, Derek and Juan. Sometimes you go so far as to blame us for the situation and/or blame us for it continuing because we “refuse to get into the fight.” WTF are we supposed to do?

We vote but our votes don’t count because the people who you are telling us are going to be taken down by Trump and the military are the ones counting the votes. You keep telling us that Trump and the military “have it all” as far as the foreign and domestic corruption of our elections… that you know exactly how they stole the 2018 and 2020 elections and that you have all the same information on 2022, yet your people allow it to happen over and over. You tell us that we have to vote in such great numbers that they can’t overcome our votes with their fraud. There are two things wrong with this: 1. how do you know the limitations on their fraud mechanisms…they just make the numbers up to accomplish their goals, it’s not that hard; and 2. If we know that our votes aren’t going to be properly counted, what incentive is there for us to vote…it’s an exercise in futility that most of us are rejecting at this point. I live in Pennsylvania, the state that somehow just voted in a brain damaged monster as our next US senator…how’d that happen?

The most egregious illustration of this awareness of the total corruption of our electoral system and doing nothing about it was the overthrow of the Trump administration in 2020. Trump and everyone around him knew that the presidential election was stolen by the Deep State and China but they handed the United States of America over to them anyway. Trump had all the evidence and all the cards but he folded like a proverbial cheap suit when he could have saved America from the extreme trauma and destruction that the country has experienced the last two years and undoubtedly the next two as well. Now Trump has announced that he’s running for president in ’24 and asking for our support when he knows that nothing is going to change as far as the electoral system is concerned between now and 2024…it will be just as corrupt (probably more corrupt as our enemies get more sophisticated and empowered with every election cycle). I have one question for Donald Trump: Are you going to just walk away when they steal your election in 2024 just like you did in 2020?

By the way, I can’t forget to mention the all-knowing Cliff High who told us that on November 13 some world changing event would happen that we all would remember where we were and what we were doing when it happened. Nothing happened on November 13, just like nothing happened on or around Juan’s October 29, just like nothing happened on September 24 (remember that one? …the German EU guy). Oh, and then there’s good ol’ Benjamin Fulford…probably the greatest geo-political fiction writer of all time who imagines himself as whatever suits his fanciful imagination conjures up to insinuate his presence into the global power struggle for the future of humanity.

So here’s the deal. We the beleaguered people of the United States have come to the point where we just don’t believe anything that you say anymore, Derek, Juan, Dave, SGAnon, Q (whoever or whatever you are, Patel Patriot, Cash, Cliff, Scott, the gematria experts, and all the rest of the purveyors of INTEL. Don’t get me wrong, we really want to believe what you say but you never tell us how it's going to actually go down, you just tell us how great it is going to be when it’s all over. How is this going to happen? Who is supposed to do what to whom? I know that you say that you can’t tell us because you can’t tell the enemy what your plans are…it’s a secret and there are only so many moves left on the chess board…we’re in a grand bullfight and we can’t let the bull know his fate and all that stuff. Are you all participants in a grand psyop to keep the people subdued while your masters annihilate our country?

Maybe you really are on our side…I hope that you are…but if you are you have to stop pumping us full of “hopium” and stop acting so contemptuously towards us when we express our emotions about the unfolding disastrous situation. It’s pretty obvious to us peasants that your white hats either don’t exist, or if they do, that they are completely overmatched by the globalists who seem to be well on their way to destroying everything that we hold dear as Americans.

We don’t know who any of you really are…especially you Juan and SQ, who the hell are you anyway? How do you know what you claim to know? In essence, why should we believe anything that any of you say? At this point you’re going to have to show us some real evidence that there is a group of powerful “white hats” that actually exists and something concrete that demonstrates what they are doing to turn the situation around…something that we can see, taste, and feel. How about this…on a recent broadcast with Scott McCay, SQanon said that Joe Biden died or was killed four years ago and that actors are playing his part as POTUS under the direction of guess who…the white hats! Wow, super, let’s see the comparative voice prints of the real Joe Biden before his supposed demise and the voice prints of the actors playing his part…it’s absolute evidence whether you guys may be legitimate or are complete frauds. Oh, and so are Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, and even Vlad Putin supposed to be avatars of their former selves…let’s see the comparative voice prints, they don’t lie.

It's put up or shut up time guys. We the people have had it with The Plan we are not enjoying the show…at all. We don’t know who you are and we don’t believe what you are saying…we do believe that we are being played for fools and we have reached a breaking point. You just can drive real Americans so far before they turn on you.

PS: There are two people whom you can believe...Jeffrey Prather and Mike Adams.


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