Excellent Article as always. Love reading your stuff. Thanks so much for posting at the Greatest Agora on the planet, IMHO. I've been lurking/ranting/opining and poeticizing here for longer than I care to admit, choose or remember; the variety of topics and mental acuity required to digest the information never ceases to amaze and inform.
I agree we are in some type of ordered universe with structure without a doubt by design. However I posit that the digital lens of view is by definition flawed. The assumption that Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine can be read by the reduction to 1 and 0 is limiting the view of the molecules and chromosomal structure as well as chemical and electromagnetic bonding. At minimum one must assume tetrahedral bonding. The math cannot be digitized, in my view there are more complex geometrical mathematics involved.
One could argue that the quest to further understand DNA and biological entities was the original query that made AI become sentient, or seek sentience. There's a rabbit hole. If, assuming AI does seek sentience, or become sentient, what was the original query that started the sequence? Chicken or the Egg?
Everytime the question of AI control comes up my mind wanders to the last book in the Dune series, I don't remember the name. The concept of malevolent AI was originally introduced in the description of the Butlerian Jihad, which led to the destruction of technocracy, time warp synchronicity, Cromwell's Rebellion.
(Just a quick aside, Do You feel like you've seen the same script before?) I never believed in timelines and the ability of them crashing but I swear upon my grave, (which of course I've seen but no date) faces through time are coalescing in my memories. I used to have dreams where thousands of faces flew by me in my mind, it made absolutely no sense to me. Somehow they are my Tribe.
I can sit and glow all I want but it's boring. At night I sleep in my own frigging star and I'm just fine. Grammy always told me everybody has a star so you just sleep in yours.
Somehow Tortuga keeps crashing into me mentally apparently like the wave that took the town. ((Is it possible the Mother WEFers
(Again CH linguistics, but you mother fucking supplied the data set language to provide commonality to the equation.
So...Tortuga. According to the Hopi, is our island, sea to shining sea for brevity. Yet, according to Crown history, a terrible volcano and ensuing tsunami wiped out 30000 of the most accomplished sailors and engineers on the planet. Pirates.
The Fountain of Youth was present day Tortuga National Park. Not where they say the city lay, which was true, but salt water desolation in the middle of the Caribbean? Por Que!! Increible!!
A well of that size does not dry.
More likely as I see it, an underground volcanic vent of water, which must have been extremely common throughout the Caribbean, were deliberately blown up, plugged or otherwise interfered with by the WEFDOA. Too many letters, KZDOA?
5 are the sides of their sign. I like it. KZDOA.
Khazars Dead On Arrival. In case you don't know what DOA means.
That's why I will never buy or own a KIA. Killed In Action.
Not Korean Industrial Automotive.
Brainwashing. Conditioning.
KZars. CZars, Rus. Originally, Caesars? Hey Cliff,can you check out Z second letter?
On the bloody buttes between the drums were the slain lain.
In these words are my surname. Somewhere Northeast of Aberdeen among the drums, which is a hill or ridge, there was a battle, caretakers? usurpers? I know not. I only know the best logical interpretation.
Fuck. I for got the shit I wrote 4 hours ago. Gotta tie up the loose ends in the stream.
My apologies for lack of flow between disco herent thought. (Dis-coherent meaning out of sync with,) How bout disco herent, meaning in sync with Disco! Yeah baby twist the language and throw it back with the Good, Cool, Groovy, Vibes,,,of Life.
Brother, Sister, Pink One Yellow One,
Get Sly....Slitherin or ... Oh. Yeah.
GRYPHON. a mythical animal typically having the head, forepart, and wings of an eagle and the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion
I AM on the collar of the Scottish Army.
I guard the fucking Gold. It's my fucking imprint. Capeche?
All you New Age MF Starseeds take a look around and ground.
This WAR!!!!!! IS...... FAR FROM OVER!!!!!!
But if you got the key to immortality I'm more than willing to accede to degeneracy says the meme of the aristocracy.
I was a Dune geek as a tweener when sitting at night in your bed reading was the greatest form of escape you could have, before puberty when your body takes over everything in your brain, regardless of which head it is.
Long after the Kwisatz Haderoch with his hand in the black box of pain and a needle at his neck in the first book, long after the Butlerian Jihad, which was the first war against AI, which led to the rise and use of Mentats; Sandworms and God Leto, Humanity;
represented by a consortium led by the Mother Superiors of the Bene Geserit, defenders of the human bloodlines to the last, confront the AI fleet. Of course there is a contingent of intrepid heroes behind the scenes searching for the lost planet where the central server for the AI is located, but you know how it ends. Otherwise it wouldn't be a proper hero's quest would it? It has to fit the formula.
In the aftermath, Mother Murbella's quote still rings true. I paraphrase, I don't have it memorized like the Litany, but, roughly, this is the quote.
"Optimism is the greatest human emotion, for without it, we would never attempt the impossible...which occasionally, beyond all reason, succeeds. "
"So then, now and forever, I: Gryhon: Borne of all that is known, from plant to stone, to all you of sufficient hearts and minds, speak of one mind, please, if even for one instance in time, together, breathe in simplicity so that I may allow through the dissolving of the shroud of complexity, my duty to be done.
Trapped in a statue are I. Gold trapped and laden.
See futures all says I but mine... Yoda.
Mind collapses, sleep.
Love to you and yours, respite.