Trends and Patterns... if you happen to be watching the fabrications streaming across print and electronic media, and you know that they are fabrications.... then you can see in what fashion they seek to tune the human mind.
The JFK papers were released (so they tell us), and... for whatever the reason... they are admitting CIA involvement in Kennedy's assassination. We KNOW that the intelligence services were not alone in this caper and that 'others' were involved, including countries. He got shot because of his intentions for The Federal Reserve, which... is... not... federal, but a group of Linked repositories and flimflam paper mills. Always follow The Money; Cui Bono.
Netflix has a series coming out called The Watchers. It's supposed to be some kind of true story, meaning that it got made up so long ago it has to be real by this time. It's got Adrenochrome in it, AND... hopefully... you remember that this is the company that put out “Cuties.” IMDB doesn't even list Cuties anymore, BUT... it's all one company now. They tell you what they want you to hear. It doesn't matter if you were standing right there, apparently... you didn't see what really happened. It's like bobbing for turds at a Sandy Hook reunion.
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