Oh my... Oh my... Oh my... It's a play about cultural implosion... the frightening speed it can reach... falling off a cliff at 32 feet per second... per second... until some limit is reached. I suspect there are few survivors when it reaches maximum velocity. For many people... it is not the fall that kills them... nor the sudden stop... it is the sucking undertow that a large ship of state can create when it goes down into the darkness of its own iniquity. All the lampreys and barnacles... even the people frantically trying to swim beyond the reach of their former reality are... going... under... too.
It's a strange dance now. I am seldom amused by what the media fashions into the news. I tire of it quickly. Surely there are more important things I could be doing instead of watching time-lapse dry rot; and then it just crumbled away... Honestly, I was standing right there and it got more and more transparent... gossamer really... then it dissolved like cobwebs or... morning dew. It was like brushing moonbeams from my eyes and then The Moon was gone.
It fascinates me. They move in collectives of hundreds... and thousands... and hundreds of thousands... and millions... like ants... like schools of fish... they make those faces just like the fish do behind the glass of the aquarium. Sometimes they are tuna and sometimes they are piranha... sometimes they are army ants. You need to be able to see that one coming. People should really pay more attention than they do. It can be the difference between life and death. If you're not paying attention, you're dreaming.
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