Have you ever checked out suspiciousobservers.org.?
Ben Davidson has, in my mind my with his videos completely proven the electric universe theory; which explains and encompasses every concern you expressed in your video.
: The Earth's magnetic field is failing. Has been since about
: 700 BC. It is so low that UV-C is getting to the ground.
: The atmosphere continues to be eroded as the
: electro-magnetic field declines and is unable to hold the
: atmosphere to the Earth.
: Neither science or government can stop this, and they know it.
: The best they can do is to patch the sky. That won't work
: for much longer. They would rather that the population
: remain focused on the trivia on the ground. The sky really
: is falling and they have no answer for it.
: For what it may be worth the morons cannot cause an ice age.
: That is strictly the prerogative of the sun. The evidence
: does suggest that the sun is already moving climate to
: another Maunder type minimum but this time with dangerous
: UV levels.