Can anyone tell me the difference between a person of color and a colored person? Is it like the difference between The Duke of Edinburgh and The Duke of Earl or... Duke Nukem? (if you don't know who the first two are) I just found out that BIPOC is not a bisexual person of color but something else. Just imagine what it would be like... if the time came, and you had to know what all these manufactured mind-fucks were.
We are fortunate that there is a God and that we know there is a God; fortunately NOT the one from religion, which is a subway turnstile for the Money Priests... who are descended from The Judas Priest; the offspring of sex between a man and a goat.
Religions run by a pederast priest class are responsible for turning millions of people into non-thinking chuckleheads who think they are saved... yet treat all others unlike them as doomed heretics certain to burn in Hell Fire. Hellfire mostly exists in the minds of chuckleheads, except where people were really asking for it. You get whatever you are asking for. Be careful what you badger The Invisible about. I think that includes imaginary Heavens that bore you to death cause you got caught up in a masquerade.
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