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JANUARY 2009 ______________



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Common Ground Independent Media

An Open Letter to Kerry Cassidy RE: The Existence of the White Hats and an International White Hat Alliance

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Wednesday, 11-January-2023 14:24:31

Dear Kerry:

I just listened to your appearance on the Dark Outpost podcast in which you took note of my recent article published on Rumor Mill News in which I postulated that the White Hats don’t exist and neither does an international alliance of White Hats. When speaking of me you could not remember my pen name so here it is for your future reference: MAXtheMAGAnificent. Your comments about me included characterizations that I was stupid and a know-nothing, not observant, lacking the ability to think critically, superficial, not independent (as in controlled), and finally agenda driven…not principled. That’s a fairly impressive list of personal faults that you think caused me to write my article as I did. Given this, I thought that I might respond in defense of the article alone since most people who disagree with me tend to resort to ad hominem attacks as you did, and I generally find it useless to respond to such attacks.

Anyway, the central point of my article was that there is no evidence that the White Hats exist since nothing that they are supposed to be doing to save the world from the globalist cabal is apparent to most reasonable observers. Not only that, the very positive things for humanity that the White Hats (that you, Kerry, describe as a secret society) are supposedly doing as broadcast by White Hat acolytes seem to be either demonstrably false or just simply unbelievable. Finally, the White Hat acolytes who are the de facto public face of the White Hats generally lack real credibility. So, here you have the concept of a highly secretive group of people, the White Hats, that to most reasonable observers apparently is having no positive effect whatsoever and is represented to the public by non-credible people who claim that the subject group is doing counter-factual and unbelievable things that are unseeable. Doesn’t get much better than that for the basis of my argument that the White Hats don’t exist.

Given all of the above, a counter argument can be made that there is a group that does exist called the White Hats that is trying to save the world from the evil globalist cabal (that I believe does absolutely exist). In fact, Kerry, I want to tell you personally that I do hope that such a group as the White Hats of popular lore does exist…how about that! The whole idea of a secretive group of powerful, patriotic insiders surreptitiously and effectively working to destroy the evil globalist forces from the inside out is quite appealing. But again, if the White Hats do in fact exist, it certainly seems that they’re not making a dent in the problem and to all appearances are completely over-matched by the war machine that they are facing. This is what causes those of us in the MAGA community to be so frustrated with the story of the White Hats if as we are told we are to “trust the plan” and that the White Hats are in total control and “we should get our popcorn and enjoy the show,” it just does not jive with the reality that we are experiencing all around us every day. We are constantly told to have total faith in something that does not seem to be working and if we express any doubt in that something we are denigrated as you did to me.

Our lives, our society, our country, our freedom as human beings…everything that we hold dear…is in the balance now. There are major evil forces that have been working for decades, even centuries, to destroy it all…they have effectively corrupted every public and private institution for their purposes and now they are in full frontal assault on advanced western civilization, and they are winning big time. The White Hats and their plan are being advertised as the only hope that we have to defeat these evil forces and it just doesn’t make sense, especially when we see the death and destruction that our society has already suffered in this conflict…and there appears to be no end to it.

Kerry, if you insist that the White Hats exist and that they do represent our best hope to defeat the globalist cabal, make the argument, but do it in realistic terms that are believable. Right now, the concept may be believable that there is a group known as the White Hats that exists as advertised by you and others, but nothing about these White Hats that we are told… their resources and abilities, their actions, their “plan”… inspire any degree of faith or hope. There is simply nothing that We The People experience in our lives today that indicates that if there exists an actual coherent group as the White Hats, that they have had, are having, or will have any significant effect in rectifying the dire situation in which we find ourselves. Please tell me where I am wrong here.




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