Hello Friends, and Well said, Patmac!
There are some good and well-meaning folks here who subscribe to the Michael Baxter stuff, but --respectfully-- I think they are nuts!
Let me be clear, I am not calling for censorship, everyone can express whatever opinion they wish--and there is a wide variety among us--I would only caution others that Michael Baxter strikes me as the biggest load of horse manure to come along in some time. There is no need to reiterate what has already been said below by our friend, Patmac. The facts are well laid out and his conclusions are sound.
I am not riding the Michael Baxter bus, and I would urge you to decline the ride as well. I say this respectfully and not to be nasty. What do you think?
God Bless,
: Michael Baxter's articles continue to appear in the Rumor Mill
: News site with stories of arrests and executions of traitors
: like Hillary Clinton, Brian Stelter, and Nancy Pelosi, all
: information he's supposedly gleaned from shadowy &
: anonymous military sources. His site is below:
: https://realrawnews.com/
: Executions, Hangings, and Guillotines oh my!
: Baxter's site’s “About Us” page features a disclaimer saying
: it contains “humor, parody, and satire,” but the author has
: repeatedly defended his stories as truth. Baxter wrote,
: "We don’t publish fake news!" Hmm...OK.
: A review of open-source information has revealed. His real
: name is Michael Tuffin. Baxter" claims he is a
: reporter with access to privileged information. his
: biography on his "Twisted Truth" site matches
: what he wrote on Real Raw News. The "About Us"
: page for Twisted Truth says that "Michael Baxter"
: on its bylines is "a former mainstream
: journalist" who worked for the New York Post, the
: Village Voice, and the Dallas Morning News.
: In the video below Baxter appears on a podcast about the
: Planet-X Nibiru conspiracy. He appears wearing a hat and a
: full face mask with only his eyes showing. Does he think
: the mask will keep the Black hats from finding him? Very
: strange.
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CspFeI9aj0&t=602s
: He cites unnamed sources who he claims are in day-to-day
: contact with Trump and his Generals, and others who he
: claims are at Guantanamo Bay. He says Trump and the White
: Hats are in charge but doesn't explain why Joe Biden is
: allowed to continue to destroy the country
: Some of the posts on the site include convictions of treason
: of, among others, Bill Barr, Bill Clinton, Adam Schiff, and
: James Comey, who Baxter claims was recently executed.
: Others Baxter claims have been executed are actor Tom
: Hanks, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates, and NEC
: Director Brian Deese, who Baxter claims were recently
: Hanged at GITMO.
: You may say, I just saw Bill Barr on the Bill Maher Show or I
: just saw Adam Schiff on cable news, but no, that person you
: saw was likely a cleverly disguised double or a clone. A
: new article on his site claims that US Special Forces just
: Seized a Deep State Cloning Lab in Alaska.
: In another recent article, Baxter claims that Ron Klain,
: Biden's
: Chief-of-Staff who recently announced he will leave the
: position in a few weeks has been arrested by the White
: Hats. Another says
: Military Charges have been filed against disgraced former
: Marine General James "Mad Dog" Mattis with
: Treason, But He’s Fled the Country. Hmm...
: Frankly, if any of these stories were true it would be AOK
: with
: me, but taking this guy's word for these sensational events
: without a shred of evidence is asking too much of anyone
: with an IQ over 50. Especially when we see most of those
: so-called arrested and executed traitors still walking
: around and appearing on major network news shows. We need
: some evidence, Michael!
: I want to believe but...