“Concentration is the secret of the magical art.” I think Eliphas Levi said that. Controlled manifestation is a process... seen thru from beginning to end. Manly Palmer Hall... I think it was him... said something like, (not verbatim) “there is nothing frivolous about Black Magic. Anyone who can burn a hole through 2 inches of ebony... with their mind... is to be taken seriously.”
You see... Concentration is cyclopean... neither Good nor Evil. Intention is the determinant of that. Both The Good Guys and The Bad Guys, at a certain level of proficiency, have degrees of power on the level they operate at. The Good Guys have more... when necessary, because The Impersonal reservoir of all force, though it loves without reserve or qualification... favors The Good. It would probably be better to use the words; righteous and unrighteous.
Patanjali has a whole book about this one thing... Concentration. It's called Patanjali's Aphorisms. (I prefer the Alice Bailey translation.) Sure... he brings up other issues, but all of them have to do with Concentration. He talks about stilling The Mindstuff. I call it The Reactive Mind. When you can still it entire... you can reflect The Image of God. It is the critical essential of Mastery in concert with Love.
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