There is a growing awareness among reasonable observers of current events that things are explicitly turning towards the achievement of the long-term goals of the fascist globalists and the overall “new world order” crowd who now dominate just about every important institution of western society. These newly minted, consummately evil masters of the universe have now acquired so many sources of power, force, and control over western society that they now feel free to engage in a full-scale kinetic take down of the nominally democratic nation-states of the West including the killing and enslavement of most of their populations. Once this takedown is accomplished…primarily through global genocide campaigns (think artificial pandemics and killer vaccines), wars, starvation, economic collapse, energy scarcity, breakdown of social norms, values, and morality, and just plain old instigation of general chaos…the globalist elite shall bring order out of chaos and impose their new world order on western society wherein these new demi-gods shall rule their domain with an iron fist and human free will therein will finally be vanquished forever. The enlightenment shall be dead and humanity will descend into the state of a soulless organic machine operated with brutal efficiency by elite madmen. How have we reached this point?
It didn’t happen by accident…the history of western society has generally been organized through the tyranny of narcissistic, power mad, psychopathic “societal leaders” who have murdered at industrial scale, tortured, wreaked havoc, waged wars, lied, stolen, and just done whatever it takes without the limitation of any moral code (especially the ones they espoused themselves) to take whatever they wanted from whomever they wanted to take it…liberty, property, life…and destroy or oppress whomever threatened their absolute power. Now, modern technology enters the picture and these madmen who have ruled over mankind since time immemorial now have the ultimate tools at their command to once and for all control mankind at the micro level through something called the “Internet of people.”
You may have heard of something called the “Internet of things” or IoT. The IoT is the state of mechanical existence where virtually every machine that matters is connected to the Internet and can in turn be remotely controlled by some “authority” over the Internet, with or without the consent of whoever owns or nominally operates the machine. The refrigerator in your kitchen today may be part of the IoT, the thermostats in your house may be part of the IoT, your car may be part of the IoT, every company from whom you purchase anything online is part of the IoT. Whatever is connected to the Internet is a part of the IoT, and whatever is part of the IoT is subject to the control of whatever authority can wield control of it via the Internet. Now, if every device through which you as a human being transact life…what you eat, where and how you live, where you go and how you get there, how and with whom you communicate, everything…is a part of the IoT, then you become by extension an IoT and collectively humankind becomes the “Internet of People” or IoP. Of course, the IoP is a two way street…it knows you better than you know yourself because it is the ultimate surveillance device (your IoT smart phone is really primarily a surveillance device with a phone app attached).
By common logic, whoever can wrest control of the Internet and thus the IoT has wrested control of the IoP. Guess who has wrested control of the IoT! Why it’s those same of narcissistic, power mad, psychopathic “societal leaders” who have forever run our society and murdered at industrial scale, tortured, wreaked havoc, waged wars, lied, stolen, and just done whatever it takes without the limitation of any moral code (especially the ones they espoused themselves) to take whatever they wanted from whomever they wanted to take it…liberty, property, life…and destroy or oppress whomever threatened their absolute power. For the first time in human history the people whose sole purpose in life is to impose their will on their fellow man and to exercise that imposition with unlimited violence have the ultimate weapon firmly in their hands to do it, the IoT.
What does all this have to do with God? So for the past two plus years since Donald Trump inexplicably handed over the United States government’s executive branch to an international cabal of psychopathic globalists who had stolen his re-election and in turn were intent on imposing a dystopian tyranny on the country and its people, We Those People have been exhorted to believe in something called “The Plan.” The Plan was supposed to be this absolutely brilliant series of actions to be executed by patriots called “white hats” who would stop the psychopathic globalists (PG’s) in their tracks as they worked to take down the USA, restore the USA to a constitutional republic, and then bring the PG’s and their minions to justice with military tribunals a la Nuremburg. Well, if The Plan and the white hats truly existed, it and they have apparently failed miserably and those who vociferously promoted the idea of The Plan have now resorted to promoting a whole new plan which absolutely positively cannot fail. What is that plan? Two words: divine intervention. God will save us and our country…and all the other peoples and countries across the western world who have fallen under the control of the globalist cabal, the PG’s.
Look, I believe in God and have a fair understanding of the theology of my Abrahamic faith. One of the things that I have been taught is that we humans ultimately do not understand God and that anyone who tells you that he understands why God allowed something to happen has no idea of that which he is speaking. Why did God create evil? Why did God allow the Holocaust to happen? Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? The answer to all these questions is nobody knows the answer…nobody understands God. We are told that God granted humans free will and if you take that idea to its logical conclusion God is a neutral party in the affairs of mankind. Whether man is good or evil in his earthly doings, God is a bystander and the evidence of this suffuses the general history of humankind of which we are aware.
In the Old Testament we are told the story of Noah in which God became so disgusted with the humans he had created that he decided that a redo was in order and thus The Flood. In the New Testament we are told of the End Times and The Second Coming in which Jesus Christ is more than mildly upset with humans and through his disciples intones the apocalyptic events of the Book of Revelation. Other than that, the devine spirits of the Judeo-Christian faiths have had nothing to do with interfering in the incredible depravities and outright horribleness of the way that man has consistently treated man down through his existence on earth.
Given this, when we innocents, we people of faith in the 21st century C.E. see yet another monstrous evil bearing down upon us as in the case of the PG’s apparent impending destruction of us and everything that we hold dear, and we look to God and/or Jesus to save us, it’s probably not in the cards. As far as we of faith know, God has not directly intervened in the affairs of man since the events related in the Book of Exodus of the Old Testament, and this time in history is no different.
Blasphemy! Sacrilege! I can hear the cries of outrage. We are God’s people! God is on our side! No, WE ARE ON GOD’S SIDE. We have no idea or understanding of God’s concern when it comes to the actions of man. God is supernatural…He has no anthropomorphic qualities even though we speak of God as “He,” a decidedly anthropomorphic term. We are supposed to be made in God’s image, but there is no image except that of the ethereal soul to which we can compare man to God.
What does it mean then for we the faithful to be “on the side of God?” It means that we must act as God would have us act as we DO understand Him from His passing down of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. It is up to us, We The People, to do His work, not for us to look to Him to do our work for us in an act of “divine intervention.” It is our time to stand up in rage to take down these godless psychopathic globalist monsters who in their minds would be God. This is the meaning of “doing God’s work.” It is time for us to stop relying on some mythical white hat cavalry coming riding in on white horses to save us and our country. It has now been conclusively proven that there is no white hat global alliance of militaries that is progressively working to take down the PG’s. There is no devolution. Trump is not coming to our rescue. Q is a psyop to pacify us and keep us from believing that we must act on our own to save ourselves.
We are alone but we are tens of millions of American patriots in spirit together who are on God’s side. We are One Nation Under God. We and our country are under brutal, full frontal, kinetic attack. It is time that we must respond in kind as a people. It is time to show God that we are indeed on His side. We must do his work now, not wait for some divine intervention that for all we know will never come.