7/4/23- In this day we remember, after Jesus healed the people, performed miracles, exposed the Antichrist-Babylon-rule in order to have the promise of heaven & eternal life, the people/cristiani (misled by the rulers & principalities) denied, prosecuted & persecuted Jesus and gave clemency to Barabas. Jesus was tortured, mocked, forced to carry the cross and crucified to death.
Even the apostle Simon (Peter) denied Jesus, Mary his mother & Magdalene stayed with Jesus till the end. In the same way, people/cristiani don’t realise what Jesus gave us, our salvation, eternal life, heaven & rights, the way-truth/Judah for the kingdom promise. Our rights given through Jesus have been incomplete & usurped by the cabal, not anymore. Today and moving forward, we the people/cristiani are being tested more than before, to know & believe the truth in order to end the evil rule & claim our promise, our real sovereignty-freedom-happiness-salvation. Just like the time of his crucifixion, today, people dont believe (at least completely) he is the truth, even though he ministered like no other in order to show us the way. It’s not until what transpired in the third day and the greatest act of faith….his return, that the people will believe completely, be healed, saved, freed & commence the heaven promise on earth & above. This day is upon the world, prepare for the greatest show on earth, don’t take my or anyone else’s word for it, take his word, God’s word & promise.
Today & everyday l remember, honour & serve our king, although l mourn his suffering & sacrifices, l also rejoice and prepare for the promise, by the acts of the faith.
The story didn’t end, it’s only the beginning. Are you Ready to Rock?