Posted By: Morgan Date: Friday, 5-May-2023 12:57:21
"A Fool Sees Themselves in Someone or Something Else when They Don't Know who They are in The First Place."
This world is filled with bad love affairs. People get their hearts broken all the time. There are so many reasons... not even a really large book... with really small print... could contain even a small portion of them. Unreal expectations is near the top of the list. He/she/it did me wrong is also quite popular. Thinking you see yourself in someone or something when you don't know who you are in the first place... that's another big loser of a cause.
The World is filled with broken people. In some cases their parents did it. Maybe their parents were overprotective of them, so The World had to do it later on. Sometimes, they claim, Religion did it to them, BUT... it wasn't the religion. It was the intermediary. It was the priest done broke your heart... or messed with your parts. Sometimes it wasn't the school. It was the schoolmaster or the schoolmistress.
Sometimes it was one thing. Sometimes it was another, but something messed you up more significantly than all the other things that messed you up. So... you carry this around with you. It colors your world. It builds and builds a pressure. Eventually... it finds some sort of Tourette-like portal to burst out through; one twitch... one tic... a disingenuous smile, leading to all kinds of tics and twitches, and false faces to hide the pain caused by your self-obsession.