The Deep State Is In Total Control. Maybe The Plan Never Existed or If It Did, It Has Probably Failed. It's On Us Now.
It is almost amusing to listen to the X22 Report as Dave Nazipsode ends each report with the words “the patriots are in total control.” Dave generally laces his reports with the words, “Trump and the patriots know the [Deep State] playbook and are totally prepared with countermeasures,” or “Trump and the patriots wanted this [Deep State action] to happen to show the people,” or “…is this [Deep State action] going to work? Definitely not!” Come on Dave, I really do think that you are a good guy, but you have got to stop believing your own propaganda. We the people are looking at the same reality that you are supposed to be looking at, and it is patently obvious to us that if anybody is in total control of the United States and most of the western world at this point, it is the DEEP STATE.
Why do I say this? Well, first and for the umpteenth time, we have to define the Deep State. The Deep State consists of the following: 1. multiple European royal families and the Black Nobility; 2. multiple globalist secret societies and not-so-secret groups like The Committee of 300, Chatham House, Tavistock, Bilderburg, The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Freemasons, etc.; 3. billionaire individual globalists and their families and foundations like (of course) George Soros, Bill Gates, Larry Fink, Warren Buffett, the Rockefeller Family, the Rothschild Family, the Ford Foundation, the McArthur Foundation, The Open Society (Soros) Foundation, etc.; 4. global financial institutions including the western central banks led by the Federal Reserve, top global non-central banks like JP Morgan/Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Rothschild Bank, Bank of International Settlements, and global payment processors like Visa and MasterCard, etc.; 5. the major investment funds like Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street who control via their shareholdings virtually all of the global corporations in virtually all of the major industries of the world; 6. the top executives of virtually all of the global corporations in virtually all of the major industries of the world (who are actually controlled by the major investment funds such as Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street); 7. the military-industrial complex; 8. the pharmaceutical-industrial complex (cartel); 9. the healthcare-insurance-medical industrial complex (cartel); 10. major NGO’s like the UN, World Health Organization, World Bank, The World Economic Forum, ICC, etc.; 11. the international drug and human trafficking cartels; 12. all six global major media companies; 13. all major universities and institutions of higher learning; 14. all 17 U.S. national intelligence agencies, the “Five Eyes” intelligence agencies, many other western intelligence agencies and services; 15. all Democrat federal, state, and local elected and non-elected office holders; 16. all Republican In Name Only (RINO) federal, state, and local elected officials and non-elected office holders; 17. units of the federal and state administrative state including the DOJ, IRS, EPA, DHS, HHS, FEMA, SEC, FTC, ATF, Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, etc., CDC, NIAHD, FDA, etc.; 18. Most federal, state, and local courts (the judicial system); 19. NGO environmental and ESG groups like the WWF, Sierra Club, World Economic Forum (duplicate), National Geographic Society, etc.; 20. many of the major religious institutions of the world including the Vatican, major Protestant sects like the Episcopalians and Presbyterians, and most Reform and Conservative Jewish congregations; and, finally, 21. the technology companies that now provide all the instrumentalities of digital messaging, thought influence and control, and censorship on which the Deep State relies to carry out its missions. I know that I probably missed a few but you get the idea…the Deep State as defined above is firmly in control of the United States of America and most western “democracies,” and they ain’t givin’ it up any time soon.
The Deep State elitists have decided as their primary goal to kill off most of us commoners or “useless eaters” as they like to call us, and enslave those they choose to remain alive under a 1984 style one world government. That’s it in a nutshell. At this point they are well into the first phases of accomplishing this and have enlisted the help of the Chinese Communist Party to help complete the task. Things such as the “covid pandemic” and the “climate emergency” are their primary tools for striking fear into the populace so that they can introduce “solutions” that will enable the depopulation and enslavement that they desire. They are doing everything in their power to sow hatred within the populace with radical transgender, gender, and race ideologies that they expect will cause us to fight one another instead of them as they crush us. They own our electoral system…no Republican president will ever be elected again, no Senate will ever turn red again, and the House will not stay red…from now on there will be no elected federal office holders, only selected office holders like Joe Biden and John Fetterman, obviously unqualified individuals who were put in place to show the people that they can put anyone into any office at will.
The Deep State is amoral…that means that they have no morals. They are nihilistic sociopaths and psychopaths who consider themselves god-like figures…supernal beings above humanity imbued with the power to remove individual free will and replace it with what could best be described as animal husbandry. We the people are their livestock and we shall live as they command and die at their whim.
Is there any major western societal institution that the Deep State does not control? I can’t think of any. Theoretically, they do not yet fully operationally control the western countries’ populations, as in they have not yet imposed a total tyranny like China has on its population. However, they are moving quickly to do so using a combination of absolute surveillance, absolute censorship, and absolute control of economic activity. Combining the Chinese social credit system with AI and central bank digital currencies is their formula for creating a total tyranny from which no citizen can escape. Once this tyranny is imposed, if they don’t like you for any reason, they will make it so difficult for you to physically live that you will die…and they will have never had to pay for a bullet to kill you.
Anyone in the alternative media who says that we are winning, that the Deep State is panicking, that God is going to intervene and save us, that the White Hats are going to arrest them all and convict them in military tribunals, that Trump is going to be re-elected and will “drain the swamp” once and for all is either kidding himself or outright trying to deceive us…probably at the behest of the Deep State. Right now the Deep State has organized and carried out an international invasion of the country of millions including a whole Chinese army that they are training and arming on our very own soil to take down the USA, they are burning down and blowing up our food infrastructure, they are creating chaos in our transportation and industrial sectors, they have turned our industry into ESG social experiments instead of creators of value and growth, they are destroying our currency, they are destroying the rule of law across the land and turning our formerly great cities into hell-holes, they are shutting down our energy production, they have overthrown our constitutionally elected government and replaced it with a foreign captured puppet authoritarian regime, they have created and involved us in yet another European war which cannot be won and in any case is not in the interest of the USA, they have gelded and corrupted our military leaders and our legitimate law enforcement, they are killing our youth with drugs, they have so corrupted our public education that our schools are turning out Marxist indoctrinated functional illiterates, and of course they have so corrupted our courts so that they are worthless.
Look at Canada, look at Brazil, look at Venezuela, and now look at the United States…see a pattern? All have been taken over by Marxist regimes who are systematically destroying what were once happy, prosperous countries and turning them into dystopian nightmares. Once these monsters gain power they never let go…and they will never let go in the United States unless somehow the citizenry…we the people of the United States… find a way out of this mess. We are told that there are these White Hats who have a plan, that this plan is being cryptically described to us by someone or something named “Q,” and that Q is somehow connected to Donald Trump who is still officially Commander in Chief of the US military, and that Donald Trump is in ultimate control of the US nuclear arsenal through his command of the Cheyanne Mountain complex (and Guantanamo Bay), and that what we have seen as the destruction of our country is a giant public relations campaign put on by “Trump and the patriots (the White Hats)” to wake up we the people to the evilness of the Deep State so that when Trump and the patriots do finally act to take down the Deep State, that the people will be with them.
Sounds like a plan, but there are three problems here…
First problem is that if there are White Hats and they do have a plan, the plan is severely flawed and obviously failing miserably. The White Hats tell us that we had to hand over the USA to a foreign captured, Marxist led, illegitimate government as was done in 2020 for the plan to work. In the plan the Marxist government would essentially destroy the country and create utter chaos in our society so that the people would be so disgusted with what was going on that they would support the White Hats taking down the Deep State. So, it would be like you taking your car to a mechanic to fix a problem with the engine and the mechanic says to you that he will have to run your car into a brick wall at 60 miles per hour first before he can fix your engine. Make sense? Not to me…hopefully not to you…but that is exactly what the people touting “the plan” are telling us. They keep talking about a “near death experience” that must happen to the USA before somehow the White Hats will be able to save the country from the depraved Deep State and bring us into a new golden age of peace, prosperity, happiness, and of course “good government.” Of course sometimes “near death experiences” do result in actual death, but we need not worry about that according to the White Hats…they tell us that they have this. But what if they don’t have this…maybe by the time the White Hats actually go to execute on the action phase of their plan there is nothing left of the country… maybe it’s a smoking hole in the ground by then. Not sure that I’m feeling it.
Second problem is the high ground problem. The Deep State as described above not only holds the high ground in this fight, but they have all the weapons, all the ammunition, all the supplies, all the people to operate the weapons, all the logistics…you name it…and the White Hats have, well, the White Hats. If they exist, they are I am afraid no match for the enemy Deep State. Beyond the “near death experience” idea, this fact is determinative for me. How a bunch of well-meaning guys (and maybe girls) think that they can successfully go up against an evil global leviathan like the Deep State, which is far and away more powerful than the British were vs the Continentals in the Revolutionary War beats me.
Third problem is the suspicion that the whole Q, Trump and the White Hats story is a Deep State psyop designed to placate the population while the Deep State carries out its evil mission. This would be nothing new… it was done very effectively by the Bolsheviks after they had overthrown the legitimate government of Russia in 1917 and it was called Operation Trust. Operation Trust was done by the victorious Bolsheviks to convince their new Russian subjects that there was a group of Russian patriots that were amassing forces to overthrow the generally hated Bolsheviks and restore their country to its traditional government… all of this to placate the people so that they would not personally resist and instead depend on the fictional Russian patriot forces to right the situation. Sound familiar? When you think of how irrational and unlikely the White Hat plan sounds, maybe it is so irrational and unlikely that it is a fiction created by the Deep State for their nefarious purposes. Maybe some of the people who are supposed to be on our side who are touting the plan and the White Hats aren’t really on our side, and maybe some of the others have just been taken in by the Deep State story and just don’t realize what has happened to them. Who knows.
So there you have it…essentially we the people are screwed. The Deep State is in total control and there is essentially no force on our side that can stop it. Our last line of defense was the electoral system where we were supposed to be able to freely and fairly elect the people at the local, state, and federal levels who were supposed to run our governments to serve us…remember that old phrase “of, by, and for the people?” Well, forget it. Our sacred right to vote has been taken from us. We can for sure still go to a polling place and fill out a ballot on election day, but that is all theater at this point…what happens with that ballot is anybody’s guess except for the people who are “counting” the votes. They are the ones who will select who will “represent” us in this, our fallen republic. Oh, and don’t forget all those illegal aliens who are being brought into the country to replace us nasty conservatives…they shall surely outnumber us in time at the polls…it’s all part of the Deep State’s plan.
It's amazing because if you put all the psychopaths, sociopaths, and other assorted bad actors that make up the Deep State it only comes to maybe half of a million people…that’s all. If you take out all of the illegals that currently occupy America, we actual citizens come to over 300 million, so that is a 600:1 advantage over the Deep State in sheer numbers. Of course there is a whole lot of that 300 million that either have no idea what is going on, don’t care what is going on, or knowingly or otherwise are on the side of the Deep State. If you take all of those people out of the equation you get maybe 85 million people…about as many people who actually voted for Donald Trump in 2020 when he beat Joe Biden handily. That’s still about 170:1, a more than adequate advantage to reverse the situation if we could only figure out how to do it.
Hey, we’re Americans…don’t you think that 85 million of us can take down a half million god-less Marxist jerks who are destroying our country, our families, and our way of life. These people and their institutions are very vulnerable in many ways. Let’s figure it out and get ‘er done…and fast because the Deep State is moving very fast and they have every advantage on us except numbers and maybe, just maybe, we are smarter than they are. They are drunk with power and hubris…they could make some bad judgements. It’s got to be a guerilla war though…no frontal assaults.
And one more thing, remember, we’re on God’s side but we can’t depend on divine intervention… this is all on us.