As an aside, all fluorescent lamps and tubes are considered hazardous waste in California when they are discarded because they contain mercury. (Title 22, division 4.5, chapter 11, section 66261.50). This law has been in place for many years now. Recently, Gruesome Newsom signed a new law which BANNING all CFL's (under a certain wattage) beginning January 2024. One cannot even purchase online and have them shipped here. As a result I am stocking up on replacement bulbs.
But then, Gruesome was a graduate of the WEF's YGL's program...
Luke Throop
Today I’m going to pretend like I haven’t spent the last two years buried in research and reporting on the secret global cabal that is actively trying to enslave us all.
Because that sounds so… shall we say… extreme?
Instead, I’ll pretend like I’m simply a curious citizen who accidentally stumbled upon some new information and discovered there is more going on than meets the eye.
It all started with this interesting trend I’ve observed in the Biden administration, where they’ve moved from banning gas vehicles, to banning gas cook stoves, to now banning gas furnaces. As a casual observer, clearly it appears they are concerned about climate change… but the timing of the roll out… and the sequence… hmmm.
Banning gas vehicles will significantly restrict our mobility.
Banning gas cook stoves will impact how we consume our food.
Banning gas furnaces will translate into some cold dark nights.
Now, I understand that some people are excited about the “electrification” of society. These people believe that electric vehicles, electric stoves, and electric heat will make these concerns a moot point. They also believe that all of this “going green” is going to save the planet. However, regardless of what they believe, that doesn’t make sense.
How is scrapping billions of perfectly functional appliances good for the environment? How is placing that much more demand on the already faltering electrical grid even going to work? Remember when California had to issue an emergency alert for people NOT to charge their electric vehicles so that their electric grid did not collapse—right after they announced that everyone was going to have to have an electric vehicle? That is the height of irony, is it not?
Furthermore, all of these targets are aiming to complete this electrification of society some time between 2030 and 2050 — per the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030, and the Paris Climate Accord. Is it even possible to achieve these ambitious goals by then? Is it wise to even try? How much deep earth mining, extracting of rare minerals, raw materials, and heavy industrial processing of these precious natural resources will it take to make this happen? How much transportation? How much construction? How much pollution will all of this cause?
Doesn’t the whole process of electrification—the building of infrastructure, the manufacturing of batteries, etc—seem like it would significantly outweigh any potential positive impact? For sure it would massively spike the output of harmful emissions and significantly deplete limited resources in the short term. What about the long term? Just about the time everyone had to have electric everything, the batteries would need to be replaced, the grid would need to be updated, and so on—and that would require the whole process to start all over again, wouldn’t it?
No, it does not seem logical to think that this so-called “electrification” is going to solve anything. It is certainly not going to reduce pollution—think about all the waste!—and thus, there is really no rational reason to think any of this will benefit the planet in any way whatsoever. Which begs the question: what is this really all about?
What’s really going on here?