Valiant was invited by Raye so I don't say much but nothing and I mean NO thing that he/she/it has predicted has come true.
On another topic, The Con artists have taken over the internet. From Wilcock, to Fulford, to Drake the snake and more.. COBRA also belongs to the 'Resistance Movement,' which sprinkles wondrous 'stardust' into the atmosphere to nullify the Cabal.. Gee, how's that working for you, Cobra?? I see them out in full force and not one mass arrest has ever taken place..
No, I'm not saying Valiant is one, I don't know him and have no dealings with him.. Just observing how easily the masses flock to the hope and change mantra.
Con artists choose us very carefully. They don't seek out the greedy or the weak or the stupid. Not at all. They seek out the 'needy.' They sniff and snuffle around until they find someone who has an unfulfilled desire.. any desire..then they dangle the carrot in front of your face. In the case of the above mentioned, they offer 'HOPE' and 'CHANGE' (sound familiar?) and prophetic promises of better times to come.. If only the bad guys were put away.. If only the monies were released... If only.. If Only...
Off the soap box and No, I am not saying you are naive...