I'd say China is doomed. This philosophy is related to how I live. I work part time. Just enough to keep a roof over our head and eat well. Yeah, also enough to take care of obligatory bills. I try to keep myself as isolated as I can, and want no more people in my personal life other than my nose-poo. I consider it to be a liability to my life to add anyone. Just another obligation. Another time vampire that keeps me from doing what I want to do, which is sit in front of the computer doing political research.
I had little discretionary time in the past. I have it now, and only share it when I want to share it. To me, it's more valuable than platinum. This lifestyle was inspired a long time ago when I decided since I hate life I'm going to be as useless to life as I can be. I may be a prisoner of my own design, but I"m NOT gonna be nice about it. I'm only passing through this cess pit of Physical Existence, and as far as I'm concerned this planet can be 'Tiamatted' in the next ten minutes, and I'd welcome it. It's not important to me anymore.
The perfect attitude since we might get nuked before year-end, huh? Especially if ya live in the Bay Area.
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