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CRD in Sooke BC, Canada engaged in money laundering, unjust enrichment, CoI and fraud with proof... White Hats be aware

Posted By: empyyrean
Date: Friday, 23-June-2023 23:41:21

Hello readers,

The CRD (Capitol Regional Development) in Sooke, BC, Canada located on Vancouver Island is engeged in unjust enrichment, money laundering, Conflict of Interest and Fraud.

White Hats you need to be aware of this.

This comes from a whistleblower...my self personally because i was there and I despise corruption.

I went to this meeting for the Otter Point Community Association which wants to be a non-profit society that wants to build a community hall for the people in Otter Point.

You would think that is commendable, but closer investigation there is crimes afoot.

I personally went to this meeting as backup for the co-chair who is my friend and has been experiencing alienation because she is aware of what is going on and questioning it.

Here is the pictures below to show location and date.

AS the pictures show the meeting was at the JDF building which is CRD, as well at June 21, 2023 6:30pm.

Their "ring leader" who's name is AL, is actually an employee of the CRD and is directly involved with the grant process that this association is looking to receive.

So the Province of BC gave millions in a program to help Communities become "better" and to support projects that benefit the community.

The total was around 50 million for this program to be distributed.

The Otter Point Community Association is seeking 1.5 - 2 million of that to build a community hall using a portion of park land to do so which conveniently owned by the CRD.

The CRD (Capitol Regional District) is an unlawful foreign Crown Corporation that has been stealing resources and land from the inhabitants and selling it back to them.

Al (CRD employee) stated that he helped push the Grant application 2 steps forward and now the Otter Point Association has to finish getting their documents together and register to be a not-for profit Society in order to receive the funds.

This guy explained that HE wants to build a 40x 40 Log structure for the hall and that it would cost essentially ALL of the money this society is seeking for a grant, additionally if they have to borrow $500,000 if the grant does not come through then the people's in Otter Point, property tax would ONLY increase $8 per household."

His words "$300,000 for the logs, $800,000 for the lock-up then another @200,000 for the construction of the building offsite, then transportation and putting it together on site, plus expenses on hooking up water, electricity, and sewage, which reluctantly is close by, as well as the kitchen equipment for a functional kitchen."

Which is contradictory since if the $500,000 borrowed if they do not get the Grant would be enough to cover it then why ask for 1.5 - 2 million? Highly suspicious.

Al then goes on to say, and no one in the audience caught this except for me, he said " the Society will get the grant money and pay for the structure, but the CRD would OWN it and lease it to the society for $1 per year.".....Really?

He also said that " The CRD will take care of the re-zoning for that portion of the property ( supposed public park lands).

A gentleman (member) brought up the point of "why spend this much on that structure when a standard 40x40 regular structure would only cost $100,000+, maybe $200,000 with all the equipment including kitchen."

Al's response was that "It would add to the aesthetic value of the land and community and is easier to maintain, as well as once the structure is up then there is only finish carpentry needed since the interior and exterior is already done, because its made out of logs."

It blew me away when I heard this, but I held my tongue cause as in the Art of War " do not interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake."

So in total which proves money laundering, conflict of interest and unjust enrichment, is the facts that even though this "society" gets the grant money, which is theirs now, they have to pay for the structure, but the CRD will own it and lease it to them for $1 a year.

By definition that is unjust enrichment and money laundering because they are using the "public" funds to enrich the CRD with additional assets and since those proceeds would be considered proceeds of crime after the fact, then it is effectively laundered through this process.

The CRD claims this is for the community, yet they become richer from it and are the overlords of it?

The CRD is NOT part of any community since they are a foreign for-profit Crown corporation.

These people are essentially being duped by the CRD and their employee who is the ringleader of this operation.

The meeting was even held at the CRD building on Butler Road.

As soon as I saw where the meeting was taking place and who was involved I knew something was up.

The conflict of interest is because the CRD employee cannot have anything to do with the grant application process nor how the funds are spent let alone being the one spending it, yet it was his Idea and he has been working with his "superiors" to push it through.... I guess you can throw in conspiracy to the list of crimes as well.

Now isn't that convenient?

If you didn't know there is actual case law that proves the Province of BC does not have any valid land claim in the whole of BC, the Province of BC is a foreign for-profit crown corporation and so is the CRD (Capitol Regional District).

Case law;"
Tsilhqotʼin Nation v British Columbia
Hearing: 7 November 2013
Judgment: 26 June 2014
Citations 2014 SCC 44
Docket No. 34986
Prior history Appealed from British Columbia

The Supreme Court, led by Beverly McLachlin, unanimously allowed the appeal. They ruled that the Tsilhqotʼin did have a claim of Aboriginal title to the 1,750 square kilometres (680 sq mi) they had historically occupied.
Aboriginal title

Decision of the Supreme Court:

The court held that Aboriginal title constitutes a beneficial interest in the land, the underlying control of which is retained by the Crown.[5] Rights conferred by Aboriginal title include the right to decide how the land will be used; to enjoy, occupy and possess the land; and to proactively use and manage the land, including its natural resources.[6] But, the court set out a Sparrow-style mechanism by which the Crown can override Aboriginal title in the public interest:

the Crown must have carried out consultation and accommodation;

the Crown's actions must have been supported by a compelling and substantial objective; and

the Crown's action must have been consistent with its fiduciary obligation to the Aboriginal body in question.[7]

The thing about this case is that if it goes for the Tsilhqotʼin of this fact then by default it applies to every other First nation as well. Also what makes their decision fraud, is that they use the term "General Public", well a foreign for-profit private Crown corporation does not have nor deal with the General public, they can only deal with their employees, property and dependents, being a private corporation.

The Clearfield doctrine sets the precedence on this.

and since they committed fraud to get all their "property" Fraus Omnia Vitiat applies "fraud vitiates everything" and which means they have no claim, nor do they have property.

The BC Supreme court ruled on this that they do not have any valid land claim so how can the CRD claim they "own" any land, its illegal and unlawful, also reason being is that it uses "public" funds to enrich itself by requisitioning all this property without using its own assets to do so.

It has not consulted any First Nations, which actually do have land claim to the area.

The 'revenue' CRD makes is by stealing and selling back (extorting) land and resources, that is considered proceeds of crime. Well what Crown corporation does not do this, that is their whole game.

I was gonna mention this when I was there, but Art of War as mentioned above.

I am willing to testify under oath of these facts same with my witness who is Co-Chair of the association. She essentially has decided to leave the Association after that meeting and I dont blame her, she sees that crimes are being committed and the association is helping to facilitate it, which means those involved are co-conspirators and culpable, but she is willing testify of the facts under oath on which the CRD employee has stated.

The Otter Point Community association is being used as a tool to launder "public funds" and commit unjust enrichment for the benefit of a foreign for profit, private Crown corporation.

Those funds are specifically supposed to be used to BENEFIT a community, it says nothing in there about benefiting foreign for profit private corporations to unjustly enrich themselves.

Its like this, The CRD says we will help you get these monies to benefit the community, but we own any and all assets from it and can tell you what you can and cannot do with it because your leasing it from us.

If it really was for the community Otter Point would own the building and the land its on.

This proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the CRD is engaged in these crimes.

There is a great unjust enrichment, fraud, conflict of interest and money laundering scheme going on here perpetrated by the CRD and the Otter Point Community Association is being used as the tool to get it done.

White Hats please be aware of this and please help stop this.

greatly Appreciate it,

many blessings,

Will serving Creation



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